


What do colonies usually look for? Like what are the KD nationals gonna be looking for in the girls they interview? If they have so many spots to fill are they gonna be really selective?

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In my experience they normally recruit close to chapter total. I expect them to take at least 75-80 women. So they won't really have the ability to completely selective.the interview process is finding out more about you and if you fit the criteria...look at their fraternity purposes and such and you will know what they strive for in their sisterhood.

By: Rush Pro

I doubt there are 75-115 normal girls who are just dying to start a sorority on this campus and just didn't "mesh" with other sororities. This is gonna be a ratchet group of socially awkward freaks and girls who never rushed because they think sororities are stupid, but things will be different if they start their own.

By: B

It depends on how the national wants to do it...first there is an "interest group" but if KD was smart they made no promises to those women. If they have to take all the interest group then they are starting with a negative - a random group they didn't select.

KD could be super selective taking about 50 women total and then look to pull in better women after formal rush next year or they can take 75-100 and have a very wide assortment. Also its not unusual for colonies to have lots of women drop along the way.

By: colonyrush

what are the chances of nationals selecting upperclassmen for KD? i know most women join sororities as freshmen and sophomores but i think upperclassmen might have a bit more college wisdom and leadership skills to offer?

By: k
by: Rush Pro   

They normally take a girls representing each classification.

By: Rush Pro

KD is the best sorority in the south at all the classic "Old South Schools" and they have a very prestigious nationals that takes into consideration the girls they want to represent their chapter. I have a feeling KD is going to the top as soon as they get a group of girls as they are very selective everywhere else.

By: Frat

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by: Yea but   

Are they going to find 70-115 knock out supermodels who aren't already in a sorority on campus? And they're not going to become top overnight.

By: Yea but

How long would it take KD to become a real sorority on campus (not an interest group), participate in greek events, and have a house?

By: curiouse
by: Mm   

It can take a few semesters

By: Mm

AZD recolonized a previously popular house. ZTA spent a few years building a local before going active.

By: Well

even after they finish colonizing this semester.....they're not a "real sorority' yet? theyre still an "interest group"? Why?

By: wait so

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