
spring rush?

by: help

So far it's ChiO and Kappa Delta. What about DZ and any others?

Posted By: help
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#11  by: Greekgirl   

So when will we likely know if there are more houses participating?

By: Greekgirl
by: mmmkJan 25, 2014 4:43:33 PM

They DID raise ceiling, but all of those posts on greekrank were AFTER ceiling was raised.

By: mmmk
#12  by: KD   

so will KD be finished colonizing by the end of this semester? Atwhat point are they considered an official, installed sorority and will start to participate in stuff like formal recruitment, socials, greek week etc?

By: KD
by: HhhJan 25, 2014 6:14:20 PM

KD isn't really KD yet. There is an interest group, and KD nationals will be starting the colonization process, but no one is a member of the colony yet. KD can chose to decline bids to members of the interest group if they don't meet their qualifications.

By: Hhh
#13  by: C   

KD has been recognized by panhel, so they can probably participate in some activities. No word on when their whole process is starting, though. On many campuses, colonization recruitment takes place after regular recruitment.

By: C
#14  by: Um....   

Kd hasn't issued one bid yet, and they need members to participate.

By: Um....
#15  by: guyss   

alpha phi is doing Spring rush if y'all are wondering.

By: guyss
#16  by: Thanks!   

Thanks! Any others or is this it?

By: Thanks!
#17  by: lfjha   

ZTA is not participating in spring rush but they are taking a couple girls my friend told me

By: lfjha
by: heyyJan 28, 2014 9:00:45 PM

Are any others for sure not participating?

By: heyy

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