
spring rush?

by: help

So far it's ChiO and Kappa Delta. What about DZ and any others?

Posted By: help
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#1  by: .   

DZ just announced spring recruitment dates.

By: .
#2  by: Help   

Thanks I noticed! Do you know about any others!

By: Help
by: springJan 25, 2014 9:19:13 AM

Pretty sure those are the only houses participating.

By: spring
#3  by: uh   

Think that's it.

By: uh
by: ..Jan 27, 2014 9:44:47 PM


By: ..
#4  by: hmmmm   

Wow only two hours are doing spring rush? Is it usually that small an amount of houses? Sounds like a catty recruitment

By: hmmmm
by: umJan 25, 2014 10:04:47 AM

Not really. Do you understand how this works? The houses don't participate in spring recruitment if they don't need more members. Formal recruitment last semester was insane. Every house got a buttload of girls.

If you want the option to rush for more houses, you'll have to wait til fall. Sorry.

By: um
by: umJan 25, 2014 10:06:00 AM

Sometimes there are more houses participating, sometimes less. Last spring there were quite a few.

By: um
#5  by: oops..catty   

I meant the way the rushes would be acting... Not houses. No disrespect, but I meant they will be treating out each other's extensions to get a place....

By: oops..catty
by: Huh? Jan 25, 2014 4:42:16 PM

Gotcha. Yeah, with such a small pool of established houses recruiting, it will get a little competitive for spots. I don't think the KD colonization process will be competitive, though. No offense, but with colonies, at a lot of schools they end up with a strange/random/meh mix of girls just to get the numbers they need to colonize and install.

By: Huh?
#6  by: more   

There will be more chapters doing spring rush they just have to get cleared by Panhel

By: more
#7  by: N   

I want to know who these sororities are. Last semester almost every other house was adamant they would not be participating in recruitment.

By: N
#8  by: wait   

So more houses will be? I don't get the whole "they have to get cleared by Panhel"

By: wait
#9  by: n   

Panhel needs to know who is recruiting. They also like to keep the parties on the same or close days, so everyone has a chance to see as many houses as possible to make the best decision for them.

By: n
#10  by: nmmmk   

Earlier in the year, members from PhiSig, AZD, SK, and ZTA posted on greekrank that they had already decided they were absolutely NOT participating in Spring recruitment. Unless they lost enough members over the new year to suddenly have enough room to take a class now, that is probably still true. Nothing was every really said in regards to APhi, ADPi, and SDT.

By: nmmmk
by: ??Jan 25, 2014 4:41:36 PM

But didn't they raise the ceiling because of what happened to AXO?

By: ??

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