

by: Spring?

Is DZ participating in spring rush? I know they need more members!

Posted By: Spring?
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Page 3 of 3
#21  by: Come on   

Come on someone has to know

By: Come on
#22  by: colonyrush   

there have been other posts in other threads but I think next week Panhel will have an idea of which sororities are really participating and it will probably be more than just DZ and Chi O but for only about 10 spots or less each. Very competitive and you probably need to know a girl in the house to get in.

By: colonyrush
by: rushJan 26, 2014 11:39:10 AM

"Very competitive and you probably need to know a girl in the house to get in. "


By: rush
#23  by: Any ideas   

Does anyone have any ideas?

By: Any ideas

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