

by: Spring?

Is DZ participating in spring rush? I know they need more members!

Posted By: Spring?
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#1  by: Uuuu   

Supposedly they are. Officially, Kappa Delta is starting the colonization process, and Chi Omega just announced they will be recruiting a spring class.

By: Uuuu
#2  by: Spring?   

Is this usually what happens with spring recruitment? Like as in you don't find out which sororities are taking a class all at once and instead you find out one by one?

By: Spring?
#3  by: shut up   

"Is this usually what happens with spring recruitment? Like as in you don't find out which sororities are taking a class all at once and instead you find out one by one?"

omg STOP. if you're this annoying in real life, no sorority will want you.

By: shut up
by: reallyJan 15, 2014 11:14:25 AM

Yaa...that's really not an annoying question?

By: really
#4  by: Uuuu   

Yes, because spring classes are optional and based on returning membership (no quota). Since classes are small, the process tends to be a little more competitive.

By: Uuuu
#5  by: Spring?   

Thanks! Does anyone know when all of the sororities participating are usually posted? I hope it's not only ChiO

By: Spring?
#6  by: Lol   

DZ is losing their pledge class if not their charter... Remember that hazing incident last semester? Yeah the university didn't appreciate it.

By: Lol
#7  by: So...   

So what does that mean? Will they be taking a class or no

By: So...
#8  by: ...   

DZ is participating in spring recruitment and therefore isn't losing a pledge class and they aren't losing their chapter

By: ...
#9  by: ?   

When will that be official? As in the Sorority Recruitment facebook page posting it?

By: ?
#10  by: t   

how many girls are DZ and Chi O taking?

By: t

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