


How hard does DZ haze????
Its DZ the best sorority?!!!

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They haze but from what I hear Not too bad. Def not the best sorority. Lotta stoners if ur into that

By: Hah

they haze. its intense.

By: yes.

no they are not top house, solid middle tier.

By: delirious

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Yes they haze, for the most part you will be driving a lot. But keep in mind that nearly all of the houses do some form of hazing even if it's as small as driving for a semester. The only sorority that I know for a fact that doesn't haze in any way at all is Sigma Kappa.

By: fratbro

is that actually true?

By: dz
by: no   

lol no thats disgusting

By: no

Do they haze? What's it like

By: So..

Yes DZ is top tier, right up there with Alpha Phi and ADPi. Achio is GONE so DZ is top. And yes they haze. It's bad.

By: ugh

Dz doesn't haze badly compared to all of the other sororities on campus. They're prob in the top 3 with alpha phi and adpi. The girls are known for being chill and fun

By: no

Apparently they don't haze as bad as they used to. But I heard they're top tier so they prob do idk

By: Ehhhh

DZ is the best sorority if you want to get HAAAAAZEDD

By: ha

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