University of Rhode Island - URI Discussion

Page 145 of 162
spring rush By: ?????   Last Post:

When do you find out if you got Bids for...Read More

By: ?????   Last Post:

Started: Feb 9, 2014 1:44:18 PM
sororities By: Uri greek   Last Post:

Ok so this is how I would rank the sororities...Read More

By: Uri greek   Last Post:

Started: Oct 26, 2013 12:29:46 PM
wondering By: kappadelta   Last Post:

what would being in a new sorority ( kappa delta)...Read More

By: kappadelta   Last Post:

Started: Feb 8, 2014 10:23:50 PM
kappa delta By: Kd   Last Post:

How do you get involved with kappa delta? ...Read More

By: Kd   Last Post:

Started: Feb 7, 2014 10:19:21 PM
delta zeta By: ?   Last Post:

Does anyone know when delta zeta bids come out?...Read More

By: ?   Last Post:

Started: Feb 8, 2014 11:33:21 AM
↓ Posts Continued Below ↓
chio By: rushin   Last Post:

How many girls is ChiO taking for spring rush?...Read More

By: rushin   Last Post:

Started: Feb 6, 2014 10:34:59 PM
alpha phi By: uri15   Last Post:

Can anyone explain why alpha phi had two invite only...Read More

By: uri15   Last Post:

Started: Feb 6, 2014 10:22:37 PM
alpha phi By: urigreek1993   Last Post:

When will Alpha Phi be sending their invites for the...Read More

By: urigreek1993   Last Post:

Started: Feb 3, 2014 8:11:20 PM
aphi By: <3   Last Post:

How many girls is Alpha Phi going to take?...Read More

By: <3   Last Post:

Started: Jan 29, 2014 9:04:19 PM
spring rush By: ??   Last Post:

Does anyone know how the bidding works with spring rush?...Read More

By: ??   Last Post:

Started: Jan 28, 2014 7:21:17 PM
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