

by: Help

I am going through recruitment this weekend and I REALLY want to be in Theta, KD, or Kappa. I have met girls in those chapters (as well as DG alpha phi and Pi phi..I just didn't click as well with them) and I loved them all and I am very interested in these three chapters. Can anyone PLEASE from these sororities or if anyone has a friend in these sororities tell me what I can do to upper my chances of getting a bid to one of these houses. Please don't comment on here saying "you shouldn't like so and so house because bla bla bla.." I don't care about that I am really just hoping for some advice on how to get into one of these houses. Thank you!!

Posted By: Help
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#1  by: .   

These 3 chapters aren't going to want the type of girl who goes online to ask how to get into them.. they are going to want the girls who actually click with them in person during recruitment. So go through recruitment and take the bid from the house that you click with in person and not desperately seek answers on how to do that onine

By: .
#2  by: ok   

Please don't sound like a desperate suckup to them. (I am not saying that you are doing so here.) You want to come across as confident and enthusiastic without sounding psycho, with good questions for each and every sorority, not just these three. Good luck!

By: ok
#3  by: kd   

kd sucks and so does kappa sig

By: kd
#4  by: go in chill   

If you know people in those 3 houses then look on their facebook page and check out how they dress. If you want to fit in.. your closet should already look like how they dress so for rush dress like that ... that's just a little part. As stated above don't act desperate but check out their philanthropy,
ask questions about their house google stuff
don't name drop
hopefully you had asked someone to send in recs for you because then they will some things about you and if not it's ok
some how interject ways that you would make a good member
ie if you were a cheerleader or dancer ask about how it
works to be part of greek week variety show or played sports-intramural, held fundraisers for a project etc.

have a plan B and if you do get cut remember you most likely weren't right for that house
Smile breathe and relax

Good luck!!

By: go in chill

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