

by: rushee

Would someone in a sorority or in greek life be able to tell me the differences between Phi Psi and TKE. I want to rush both fraternities and wanted to know their similarities and differences.

Posted By: rushee
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Page 1 of 2
#1  by: phi psi   

Rush both and experience it for yourself. No website will be able to tell you where you are a better fit. In fact, If you rush either, they'll tell you to check out the other fraternities as well. They want you to find somewhere you fit in and that you are sure is right for you.

By: phi psi
#2  by: I would    

Contact the rush chairs of both fraternities and have them show you around and introduce you to some of the brothers. You will get a much better feel for each of of fraternities than going to a few rush events with 100+ other kids that only want to rush TKE and phi psi as well. It will make you stand out compared to everyone else.

By: I would
#3  by: unless   

you are absolutely positive that you are going to get a bid I wouldn't only rush those two fraternities. Phi Psi and TKE are probably going to have around 125 or more guys who are exclusively rushing just them and it's going to be really hard to get a bid because they can afford to be extremely selective.

By: unless
#4  by: miley   

All the above comments are pretty correct. Phi Psi is preppier, has a nicer house, and is known for being (or at least acting) wealthy. TKE is more athletic type guys who are rowdy and are usually more fun. We have events with both and these two are without a doubt better than any other Fraternity on campus. Both are top tier, have huge houses, and are extremely hard to get into, especially this semester. I wouldn't limit yourself to rushing just these two. Delt, Phi Delt, Sig Chi, and even Kappa Sig are not bad places to rush also. You just need to find where you fit in.

By: miley
by: everythingDec 22, 2013 12:06:16 AM

on here, and the above posts are right except that she mentioned Sigma Chi. They are a mess still.

By: everything
by: mileyDec 22, 2013 12:33:19 AM

Sig chi is a mess right now but they were top tier before their review and they have potential to move up towards the top in the next few years. They are a very good fraternity nationally and still have some cool guys left. Younger guys who can't go TKE or Phi psi might want to consider them.

By: miley
by: idk mileyDec 22, 2013 4:50:53 PM

I'm between "everything" and "miley" Sigma Chi will look nice on a resume, but they got a terrible pledge class of guys, and all of us top six sorority girls know it. If you're a freshmen you might see Sigma Chi return back to their top tier status by the very end of your senior year, but that's if they do everything right and just wait out the class above them graduating. If youre looking for a good time with a fraternity that mixes with top tier sororities some now and probably will more even in the next year, look at Delt, Kappa Sig, and Pike. Delt is attached with KD, Kappa Sig gets to do stuff because there's no one else to, and Pike is starting to hangout with them and has Greek Week with Kappa

By: idk miley
by: re: idk mileyDec 22, 2013 5:21:07 PM

^add Phi Delt to that list too. They aren't too involved in the Greek community but they still hang out with the likes of Kappa and DG

By: re: idk miley
by: re: idk mileyDec 27, 2013 11:02:54 AM

Greek week pairings are random lol Kappa is pissed they with Pike

By: re: idk miley
#5  by: IMO    

Phi Psi - wealthy or try to come off as wealthy. I don't really like their flashiness personally, but phi psi is a lot of girls #1 too. Very preppy. Can be cliquey in my experience. Best house on campus. Their favorite sororities are probably Pi phi, kappa, and Alpha phi.

TKE - have a large selection of different kinds of guys. Some are just as preppy as phi psi, others are more laid back. I don't know if I would call them jocks but they are definitely the most athletic and best looking fraternity. Seem to have a better brotherhood than phi psi, but this is just observation. Their house is a castle. Favorite sororities are probably DG, Theta, and Alpha Phi.

If you get a bid to either of these fraternities I would take it. They both have the best social schedules in Greek life and you'll have a great time in either one I'm sure.

by: To be honestDec 22, 2013 11:45:37 PM

I wasn't impressed at all by TKE's last pledge class at all. Also I heard they got all of the guys that Phi Psi didn't give bids to.

By: To be honest
by: wellDec 23, 2013 6:00:27 PM

TKE probably gave bids to kids who didn't get in Phi Psi because Phi Psi's last rush event was a few days before TKE's first rush event

By: well
by: YesDec 23, 2013 11:43:34 PM

What well said. Only other notable fraternity that was rushing at same time as Phi Psi was Delt. TKE, Phi Delt and maybe Kappa Sig didn't have events until after Phi Psi was completely done and Delt was 3-4 events in.

By: Yes
by: Phi psiDec 24, 2013 7:58:53 AM

Phi psi has the most elitist douchiest rush process ever. A couple of guys told me they asked them what their dads did for a living...

By: Phi psi
#6  by: Just    

Don't rush a Kappa Sig

By: Just
by: agreeeDec 24, 2013 12:02:35 AM

stick to phi delt/delt/pike if you dont like them or feel you wont get a bid

By: agreee
#7  by: Rush   

To any kids rushing dont worry too much about the above. If you can't get a bid to TKE or Phi Psi you will be a better fit at some of the middle tier frats. Yes, they aren't regarded as highly and popular as the top two, but its all about where you fit in

By: Rush
by: ^agreeDec 27, 2013 9:46:14 AM

TKE and Phi Psi are considered the "top" but you can't really go wrong with any of the top 6 or 7. I wouldn't shoot for any lower than SAE though. There's no reason to go lower since you're bound to fit in well with one of the top several frats who actually do stuff with the top sororities.

By: ^agree
by: go forDec 27, 2013 10:57:19 AM

TKE and Phi Psi, then look at Delt, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, and Pike. Those are the top six, maybe throw SAE in there. If Pike and SAE rush well they will be on the same level as Kappa Sig (douchebags) and Phi Delt (very uninvolved)

By: go for
#8  by: Ideally   

Ideally you for sure want to aim for either TKE or Phi Psi like the others have said. Theres a huge drop to them, but the next 4 are fairly "equal" in terms of social schedules/popularity

Kappa Sigs - tryhard douchebags in most peoples eyes
Delt - preppy, goody two shoes
Phi Delt - party hard, uninvolved, most GDI frat
Pike - older guys are anything but cool (Brad Potter anyone?), newer guys are better. Youll be part of their movement up if you join them

SAE - nerdy kids. Some like them

By: Ideally
by: up up upDec 27, 2013 1:33:06 PM

this is perfect!

By: up up up
#9  by: Kappa Sigma   

Is the most hated group of guys at OSU.

By: Kappa Sigma
#10  by: Hey   

Kappa Sig why do you keep trying to hide this thread?

By: Hey

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