
1 year


It's crazy how things change in a year. I graduated from a top sorority last May and was looking at this out of curiousity and this just doesn't seem right. It used to be Sammy, Sigma Chi, and Phi Psi as hands down top 3 with TKE on the border of that group. The fact that Phi Delt, Delt, Kappa Sig and other repulsive guys are considered cool is scary. Step up your standards ladies. I know Sammy is booted and Sigma Chi got in trouble but wow Delt? Pike??

Posted By: sorority Grad
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Im a senior now, and really theres no standards to step-up... Phi Psi is miles ahead of TKE, which is way ahead of the others. But honestly without the upperclassmen to teach pledges things aren't going to turn out the same for a really long time. Sigma Chi is terrible, terrible, terrible because they don't have any cool older guys teaching them, Sammy is gone and while they still have stuff they cant officially do anything and aren't recruiting anyone worth a girls time.

Also while I've only done one thing with Pike and very few with Delt they have come a long way, especially the Pikes. So maybe a lot will move up to upper-middle tier, and eventually a few will pull ahead.

By: standards

So what are the sororities supposed to do if Sigma Chi barely escaped getting kicked off and lost a ton of guys and Sammy did get kicked off? We found other fraternities to do stuff with. Big deal. OSU has always had a rather fluid situation as to who is on the rise/on the skids, really you should know that.

By: oh come on

We sadly can't do every event with Phi Psi or TKE, so we have had to settle with hanging out with Delt, Phi Delt, and Kappa Sig this year. It sucks because any girl in a top sorority will tell you that Phi Psi and TKE's events are a ton better than the rest of the other fraternities and they have less awkward guys. I have been creeped on by so many guys in the lower fraternities and I hate that we are forced to do stuff with them this year. I miss last year when we could mostly alternate between Sigma Chi, Sammy, TKE, and Phi Psi.

By: Truth

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It's really not as bad as the guys who got kicked off would want you to believe. All the cool new guys that would've joined Sammy or Sigma Chi are still coming in. Only now they're joining frats like Delt, Kappa Sig, Pike, SAE, and Phi Delt. OSU Greek life has always allowed lots of movement amongst the boys. It works itself out

By: you see

Phi Psi will get all of the wealthy suburb boys and won't have to split with SIgma Chi as it usually does.
TKE will get the guys that usually go Sammy, so they should have a great class.
Phi Psi and TKE will easily have the best classes and I predict Delt will have the next best class then Phi Delt and Kappa Sig. Delt and Kappa Sig will benefit from Sigma Chi not being as strong, for they will get the guys who slip through the cracks of Phi Psi.

By: rush

have a life to get back to?

By: Don't you

Um yeah

By: Shallowness?.
by: reality   

It's not shallow. I am sorry if you are a delt or a kappa sig or one of those other fraternities. Outside of Kappa Delta, and I wouldn't put them as top tier in sororities anymore, no top tier sorority gets as excited to hang out with Delt, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, or Pike as she would TKE or Phi Psi. You guys consistently run out of alcohol or you serve the alcohol warm. You try to act like we are stupid and can't tell when you used korski in a bottle of grey goose or other high quality liquor. The music isn't near as good for pregames or TG's. The ratio of awkward guys to not awkward guys is abysmal for some of your chapters and you only have a few attractive guys. Just recruit better this semester and maybe you can move up, but as of right now TKE and Phi Psi is miles and miles ahead of the other chapters.

By: reality
by: Dear Reality   

Sorry, but I'm not "a delt or a kappa sig or one of those other fraternities" because I'm in a sorority. You state you have graduated so act like an adult.

By: Dear Reality
by: haha    

I am an active member in a sorority too. I wasn't the girl who orginally wrote the post. Sorry bout it if it offended you

By: haha

It definitely is a bit different this year. Sammy still manages to do some stuff like block so thats fun! Other than that, Phi Psi has been the only game in town this semester and they're fun, but somewhat awkward. I've been to Delt DP and Kappa Sig formal and didn't really enjoy either. I still see sigma chis out and about despite their situation and they're always a good time. It'll be interesting to see how they bounce back next semester. But yes, there certainly has been quite a change in the dynamic of everything this year.

By: agree

why are people so rude. so so rude. You realize that when you are 80 years old you won't look back on your life and say wow i wish we had more TGs with Sammy instead of Pik, Kappa Sig, or Delt. You guys are pathetic and i feel sorrow for you if you are so concerned with that. Disgusting.

By: why

If you graduated from college and you are still on this site months later than please go make some friends. PLEASE

By: graduated?

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