
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 98 of 170
#971  by: Only Fraternities   

are Sigma Chi, Phi Psi, Sammy, and TKE. Too bad PKP is on probation until January 2013 (no matter how much they lie about it) and who knows what's going on with Sammy.

By: Only Fraternities
#972  by: Different Tiers   

Cream of the Crop: Sigma Chi and TKE-Two powerhouses that are socially strong and not in trouble. A lot of hot guys.

Cream of the Troubled Crop: Sammy and Phi Psi-Two powerhouses that are socally strong and with hot guys, but in trouble and have a lot of questions surrounding them

Good, not great: Kappa Sig and ATO-Consistently solid frats that top tiers sororities like, but will probably never be cream of the crop

Nice guys, fun guys: DTD, AEPi and Phi Delt-Both of these frats have very good collective brotherhoods, but also know how to have fun. Not elite socially, but have their share of hot guys

Shady Frats: Beta-Good looking guys, but us girls find them to be a bit sketchy and don't know much about them. That house is just kind of a mystery.

Honestly, these are the only frats that us girls consider to be remotely relevant and it varies from house to house. Some girls don't consider places like Delt to be relevant, while others don't do much with Beta, AEPi, ATO, etc..

By: Different Tiers
#973  by: Rankings/Stock   

1. Sigma Chi-Up
2. TKE-Hold
3. Sammy-Down
4. Phi Psi-Down
5. Kappa Sig-Hold
6. ATO-Hold
7. DTD-Up
8. Beta-Down
9. AEPi-Up
10. Phi Delt-Up
11. SigEp-Hold
12. Pike-Hold
13. Sigma Pi-Up
14. SAE-Hold
15. FIJI-Down
16. Delta Chi-Hold
17. Acacia-Hold
18. Triangle-Hold

Pretty much after the first ten you start dealing with fraternities that the main sororities (KKG, Pi Phi, Alpha Phi, DG, Theta, and KD) really ever do ANYTHING with. I know frats like Phi Psi and Sigma Chi do a lot more with those frats then houses like Delt and AEPi, but those houses still do stuff with top tier sororities on occasion, where as most of the houses after the top ten don't really do anything at all with exception of maybe a house like Pike or SigEp getting a pity pregame once or twice a year from a top sorority.

By: Rankings/Stock
#974  by: Question   

Is it the "Big 6"?


The "Big 4"?

Thoughts? And who would be among these new groupings?

By: Question
#975  by: Big 4   

Phi Psi
Sigma Chi

By: Big 4
#976  by: which to rush?   

lookin to rush, whos the top 4 that sororities like to mix with? i'm thinking tke, sig chi, kappa sig, and phi psi?

By: which to rush?
#977  by: re: which to rush   

sig chi, sammy, tke, ato. ksig is non existent here and phi psi is on social probation until jan, 2013.

By: re: which to rush
#978  by: lol   

ato is not a top fraternity at all they are down there with the likes of delt and fiji

By: lol
#979  by: and    

tots agree phi psi is going no where with being on probation for 2 years plus it doesnt help that all there good known guys either graduated or quit

By: and
#980  by: re: which to rush   

phi psi, tke, sig chi, sammy, kappa sig, ato

By: re: which to rush

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