
fraternity comments


Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 9 of 170

sigma chi should be in the top 20 maybe

By: tom green

Rankings... Hate the game

1. TKE
2. Phi Psi
3. ATO
4. Beta
5. Kappa Sig
6. Sammy
7. Sigma Chi
8. AEPi
9. DTD
10. Sig Ep.
11. SAE
12. FIJI
13. Delta Chi
14. Acacia

By: Don't Hate The

rankings are to the left.. its ok tho

By: tom

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Theta Chi.

By: ...

I agree with "Don't hate the rankings" except the rankings aren't that distinct, they should be more like...

Phi Psi/TKE
ATO/Kappa Sig
Sigma Chi
.....then whatever really

By: Yea

are becoming more obsessed than the sororities, haha.

By: you guys

peer rating other peer crazy idea.. this is like a hate fest on sigma chi

By: tom cellic

the problem with sigma chi is that they are seriously huge douchebags. i can't think of a single girl, let alone in greek life, that i've met and was like 'sigma chi's are cool!'. im not even kidding. every single one just talks about how they are douchebags and the antics they do to get girls upstairs at parties. i will admit the facebook thing is funny...but you guys seirously put way too much effort in that. its a general consensus that every other frat thinks sigma chi is the 'douchiest' of all of the Big 7

By: Sigma Chi

Even if every other frat thinks sigma chi are a bunch of douches doesn't give right to the mass amounts of hating they are receiving. They are one top 5 fraternities at this school regardless looking at socialness, academically, and success once they graduate.


How high does the eagle fly?

By: Sigma Chi

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