
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 164 of 170
#1631  by: What   

Are the top fraternities on campus?

By: What
#1632  by: re: What   

Delta Chi, Pike, Delt, Phi Tau, Pi Kapp, and Sig Ep are the top 6 houses on campus.

By: re: What
#1633  by: re: re: what   

hehehee... f@ck over that prospective new member

By: re: re: what
#1634  by: Re: What   

That has got to be a joke right? NONE of the fraternities you named breach the top tier.

By: Re: What
#1635  by: re: re: what   

hehehee... f@ck over that prospective new member

By: re: re: what
#1636  by: re: re: what   

hehehee... f@ck over that prospective new member

By: re: re: what
#1637  by: Re: what   

Phi Psi Sigma Chi TKE and Sammy- Tier 1
Tier 2- Kappa Sigma and Phi Delt ATO
Tier 3 Sig Ep SAE and DTD

By: Re: what
#1638  by: Re:re: what   

If you saw a tke you wouldn't really think they are in a fraternity just a dignified gdi club.

By: Re:re: what
#1639  by: Sig Chi Gone   

Sig Chi is getting kicked off for the keg race with sororities during Derby Days...could they be any dumber. #worsethanBeta

By: Sig Chi Gone
#1640  by: Re:sigchiggone   

Looks like another false Sammy rumor lol

By: Re:sigchiggone

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