
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 163 of 170
#1621  by: Re:Ifc   

criminal damaging? really? how lame

By: Re:Ifc
#1622  by: Re: IFC prez   

Does anyone know what happened? I always knew farmhouse was fool of troublemakers lolz

By: Re: IFC prez
#1623  by: Re:Re: IFC prez   

LOL...as if IFC had any credibility to begin with. Such a joke

By: Re:Re: IFC prez
#1624  by: In bigger news   

Which TKE and Sigma Chi are dating?

By: In bigger news
#1625  by: why   

is it any of our business which TKE and EX are dating? IFC men date frequently, get used to it.

By: why
#1626  by: TKE sigchi   

that tke sigchi rumor is false i think

By: TKE sigchi
#1627  by: GDI   

Hey if you have to be in a top fraternity to get hot sorority girls, why do I know people in those fraternities that haven't gotten any all year while I had no problem? Must be fun watching the geeds tear up sorority formals.

#1628  by: GDI   

Hey if you have to be in a top fraternity to get hot sorority girls, why do I know people in those fraternities that haven't gotten any all year while I had no problem? Must be fun watching the geeds tear up sorority formals.

#1629  by: Re: GDI   

You're the type of geed that makes sorority girls hate GDIs.

By: Re: GDI
#1630  by: Re: GDI   

Cool story, bro

By: Re: GDI

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