
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 162 of 170
#1611  by: Re: likeable   

Haha I am a guy in one of the top tier fraternities and your likable rating is completely off. We only want to hang out with pi phi dg alpha phi theta kd and kappa. We are fine canceling events with the other sororities.

By: Re: likeable
#1612  by: re:re: truth   

noooo they're wealthy! must suck

By: re:re: truth
#1613  by: Who    

has the best fraternity house on campus?

By: Who
#1614  by: trust me   

the frat with the highest dues is not sigma try or psi phi

By: trust me
#1615  by: Re:trust me   

Who is it then?

By: Re:trust me
#1616  by: Rush   

What are the different reputations of each of the top fraternities. Good and negative

By: Rush
#1617  by: This site   

Makes me wish I never went Greek.

By: This site
#1618  by: Homecoming Court   

I think my friend said that there were 14 Greeks or something like that on Homecoming Court this year

By: Homecoming Court
#1619  by: Re: This site   

All of these anonymous bs sites make me wish I never went Greek or to college.. If it wasn't for my roommate frequently checking them, I would hopefully not know about them. Pathetic

By: Re: This site
#1620  by: quarters to semester   

does this change anything about rushing or pledging or anything like that? also when is rush or like the activity fair thing

By: quarters to semester

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