
fraternity comments


Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
Page 108 of 170

any1 else hear there brothers got into a fight at the dg tg?

By: sigep

TKE isn't in trouble with anyone still as of now whatsoever.

By: re: TRUE?

TKE at Ohio State is barely hanging on!
They are creepy!
Their house is getting run down!
They lost a lot of cool guys!
A lot of weird guys are in TKE now.
They are only top-tier because fraternity competition is lousy right now.
Most sorority girls only like specific members of this fraternity, not the whole fraternity.

Phi Psi sucks because they got in trouble!
They lost so many guys and had to do illegal stuff to get pledges.
They even hired a stripper to attract guys to a rush party!
They are now trying to rebuild with crazy donations to improve their house but it's a struggle!
Phi Psi lost a lot of cool guys like TKE did!

Together with Sigma Choch they are somehow the best but I think sororities at OSU are at a much higher tier than fraternities!

By: TKE and Phi Psi

How are you going to say that a sorority house is at a higher tier than a fraternity house when it's two different things entirely? This is why you should be confined to the kitchen.

By: Post below me

that was the dumbest thing I have ever read

go home geed

By: re: TKE and Phi Psi

this is the first time i've been to this site....and seeing all this seriously makes me not want to join greek life. grow up. what about the brotherhood that all you greeks rave about?because all i see here is high school drama. get real and move forward.

By: seriously

We dont want you

By: Well

DZ-PKT: Probably one of the lowest rated sororities, and a frat most people say, "you mean Phi Psi?" when they here their name. Um, I guess if they have fun, good for them.

Theta-Sigma Chi: This might be the strongest pairing out there. An elite top tier sorority, and a top tier frat, though many will argue such a statement. Good looking girls, good looking guys.

KD-ATO: These two have always loved each other and it continues to show. Strong pairing overall. Both of them have very similar personalities in that they are both a social bunch, but aren't super crazy.

KKG-TKE: Wow, another very strong pairing. Probably about as good as Theta-Sigma Chi. Added bonus that TKE isn't on any kind of probation either. Sure this will be a fun group for Homecoming.

Pi Phi-Phi Delt: Good for Phi Delt. Solid group of underrated guys doing work socially. First, DG for block, now Pi Phi for Homecoming. I just wonder how Pi Phi feels.

AOPi-DChi: Yeah, um, hope they have fun!

By: Pairing Evals Part 3

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pkt and zbt aren't even chartered fraternities here, they do not deserved to mentioned yet and they aren't the biggest groups in their pairings either. get your facts straight.

By: dude

is with SigEp and Beta. Wasn't AGD just with Beta for something? and its going to be embarassing for sigep to be outclassed by a relatively small beta chapter


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