
fraternity comments

by: GR Administrator

Ohio State University - OSU General Fraternity Comments

Posted By: GR Administrator
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Page 10 of 170
#91  by: Zeus   

Really, its the haters that stay up top, an awful lot of jealous SOB's on here, try getting off your laptops and going to a bar

By: Zeus
#92  by: pha lady   

hahaha you little boys are acting like a bunch of sorority girls about this site. WHO CARES?

By: pha lady
#93  by: GT   

This is dumb

By: GT
#94  by: angel   

hating on sigma chi so much on here is kinda like how people hate the yankees.... hard being on top

By: angel
#95  by: joke   

This site is obviously a joke when sx is at the top and the real top frats such as tke have been rated down... next thing we kno dtd or fiji will be at the top

By: joke
#96  by: triangle   

fiji won't be at the top, but triangle willllll

By: triangle
#97  by: EX GreekRank Fan Pg   

For all who were fans on the facebook page Sigma Chi on GreekRank (Ohio State)

-you may or may not have noticed that we have shut down the page permanently. It's been a fun ride but now it's over. We sincerely apologize to anyone who were affected by this page and ask you to understand that the intentions were not based on hurting other's feelings. Stay Fratty

The Founders

By: EX GreekRank Fan Pg
#98  by: Getting Sad   

Everyone should already know who the top frats are and which ones suck and shouldnt need a website to tell them. Its clear now that everyone just rates themselves, but who cares, its just a website. Maybe people should get a life and go visit these fraternities instead of reading about them on a computer.

By: Getting Sad
#99  by: Sigma Chi   

It's pretty obvious who the best frat is. Just look at the rankings and how sweet we look at the O every weekend.

By: Sigma Chi
#100  by: yep   

the reality is the ranks to your left are far off:

SIGMA CHI BLOWS... maybe they are top 10 but NEVER number one.

1. Phi Psi
2. TKE
3. ATO
4. Kappa Sig
5. Sammy
6. Beta
7. Sammy

Rest are meaningless

By: yep

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