
kappa kappa gamma


Since move-in is a few weeks away, what is the latest on the Kappa suspension? Is it just probation? Hard to tell since the whole Greek system is aware of the hazing the do.

Posted By: Lane Ave
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they're not in trouble!

By: k
by: ahaah   

saying that they arent in trouble isn't true, but the girls will all be moving into their house come fall

By: ahaah

Why would you post that they are not in trouble? Are you kidding? When you're put on a 'cease and desist' order, you are officially in trouble. So...even if they get out of this and are allowed to take new members this year, they are still in danger of being shut down.

By: Cease

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As a PNM/incoming freshman how do we know whether or not to consider Kappa, I don't think I would want to pledge knowing that they could get kicked off of campus...when will anyone know??

By: pnm
by: advice   

if you want have real social events, you better steer clear of kappa. administration will definitely keep a close watch on them next year, which really sucks

By: advice
by: yepp   

"advice" is right. As of now I would steer clear of DG and Kappa because of all the problems they do have, lack of socials, and the potential of being kicked off. It's kinda like a person climbing back on the Titanic,... its a sinking ship

By: yepp
by: o   

There is definitely no chance of kappa getting kicked off campus....

By: o
by: Kappa   

Freshmen don't go through recruitment until January. The Greek System will know by then what the punishment is. Keep and open mind, though, on ALL chapters.

By: Kappa

In all honesty you should consider each and every house when going through rush. Just because a sorority is in trouble or has been in trouble does not mean it isn't an amazing house. everything on greek rank is extremely malicious when in reality every sorority has its ups and downs. If kappa is still allowed to take a pledge class then they probably will be fine and are working hard to make sure they do not break the rules. Delta Gamma has come a long way since they have been in trouble also so you really should not judge it by what anyone else has to say. Go through rush with an open mind.

By: truth
by: and   

don't be surprised when they haze you! =)

By: and

Because the Cease and Desist came out so late in the spring, nothing has been done yet. They will definitely be on some kind of probation, just not sure what. Most likely will not get suspended.
There are some nice girls in this house as well as some real Bs. They need to stop with the Running of the Kappas and keep their clothes on.

By: Kappa

We're moving in on the 18th so you guys can all go to hell. We aren't being kicked off, we got in trouble for an event that wasn't even hazing, and unless you're blessed enough to be a Kappa Kappa Gamma, you haven't a clue what's going on.

By: hi

dont pretend like you have any idea whats happening. whatever hi^ said is true.
no hazing violations at all... so not sure what "whole Greek system is aware of the hazing the do" means. hard to be a "sinking ship" when they are consistently one of, if not THE, top house year to year. The university puts a "cease and desist" order even if they get one rumor of something wrong happening in ANY house. They do cease and desist and THEN they investigate. So they were on it for a split second and now everything is all right.

By: you'rewrong

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