
delta omega kappa


I know they're not a PHA sorority, but I can't help but give these girls props because they've been all over campus this year. They have good looking girls too. Keep doing you, girls. Greek love <3

Posted By: Ok
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The don't even go here lol

By: Mhm
by: They do   

They're the pre-health sorority

By: They do

Some of the DOK girls are in PHA sororities too since you can be in both professional and panhellenic greek letter organizations. I can't imagine how busy they must be, but they're pretty awesome.

By: Fun Fact
by: dok   

actually not allowed to be in a pha sorority & dok :/

By: dok

I’ll keep it real. I’ve rushed a couple of times and here’s what I have to say. The rushing process itself is okay. It’s a lot of forced conversation and to be quite fair, these forced conversations won’t do you any good unless you have the perfect 4.0 GPA, networking connections, and you know girls in the sorority and even then it’s iffy. They maybe take on 1-2 “charity” cases a year so that they can have girls that say “oh I did nothing before DOK and it's changed my life.” But even so, it’s all about what you can bring to the table and what others can extort out of you opportunity wise. The average GPA is a 3.7, so if you’ve had life circumstances that have kept you down or just don’t have that as high GPA, prepare to not fit in. At the end of the day, it’s an academic sorority, not PHA. They aren’t as expensive and theoretically more “laid back” (but I’ve heard it’s a lot of work once you get in and if you don’t have the time you’re better off not doing it, which is why they got a newish rule of not being allowed to be in social sororities if you are in DOK). They conduct themselves like an exclusive club more than anything else, taking in only approx. 20 girls semester when 100+ rush. But if you can get in, more power to you. I found my “sorority family” somewhere else that’s so much more of a better fit for me. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t get in. The lesson for me was trying to fit in with a group of girls I just didn’t fit in with, and while it hurt each time I didn’t get that golden ticket bid into something I thought would change my life for the better, looking back I’m a not happier for it. Overall rating: 4.5/10, simply because of the exclusiveness of it, the hard work for no payoff trying to get in, and for the unwritten requirements you have to have simply to look good to them.

By: Eh
by: Wow   

While I am kinda iffy of some of the more charged language, I can’t say this isn’t inaccurate. While it can be amazing for you once you get in, the hardest thing is getting in. Talked to a lot of girls who were sad or mad bc they didn’t get in and believe me there are a lot of them on campus. Quite sad that they deny so many girls that could add some much to the group and who actually could make DOK amazing but it is their perogative to dictate the size unfortunately

By: Wow

Honestly, I have negatice opinions on DOK & they’re not even something I looked at doing. I just don’t have respect for them like I do actually sororities.

At least Phi Sigma Rho & Alpha Sigma Upsilon are partially PHA chapters even though they’re major-based. They actually have to follow the standards to be called a sorority & their members are not allowed to be in multiple chapters. I know the engineering one is a National Sorority but i think both are. DOK is basically a group of girls that want to say they’re in a sorority without actually having to follow any of the same rules or have nationals over their head. They have girls drop a decent amount because they put on the front of being a sorority but honestly are just a clique. I feel like if you’re going to be a “sorority” you should at least be sufficient to stand on your own and not have girls who have to be in other sororities too.

By: Idk

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by: Yes    

I agree with this so much

By: Yes
by: RT   

Speaking as a person who knows people who rushed, this is true. No PHA, no standards, no rules, no regulations. I’ll give them that once you get in, it may be great. But it’s SO exclusive. They’re a club. A clique. And if you’re a girl who rushes multiple times, they remember you. And it’s really awkward. It’s almosy a “I’m better than you since I got in” ego. Like I know friends that feel really awkward around those girls post rush when they didn’t get in. It’s an uncomfy thing. And they don’t help. Especially since they aren’t a real sorority. They have no reason to act like they do.

By: RT

These girls are super stuck up which is surprising given that their “sorority” is actually just a club. Kind of nobodies tbh

By: anon

I rushed DOK Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, so both of my rush experiences were online over zoom, and I’ve never rushed in person. Obviously, I didn’t receive a bid either time. Overall, I have a pretty negative image of DOK. Despite putting on an image of being diverse and accepting, they’re really just a clique of girls that want to call themselves a sorority. If you won’t make them look good, they won’t want you. I’m sure it’s wonderful for the girls that get in, but they’re WAY too exclusive for a “sorority” that’s just a club. The rush process was pretty standard, we were put into break out groups and rotated through active members and had conversations based on prompts given to us. Then i was interviewed by two actives in an individual facetime call “to get to know me more personally”. Bid day was an awful experience because I opened up Instagram to find that everyone in my break out group had received a bid except for me. Everyone that i know in DOK that I’m friends with now all have confessed to me already knowing a couple of girls in DOK/having friends in DOK already that basically helped them get a bid. It’s hard for me to see DOK as anything more than a clique of girls that only include their friends/people that look good to them. I know way too many girls that have rushed DOK at least once and have not received a bid. If I were to try to improve DOK at all, I’d have them increase their pledge classes, there are so many girls that could add so much to DOK that dont get in because they keep their pledge classes so exclusive and small.

By: <3
by: Boohoo :(   

Oh no :(((( did typing this out make you feel better? From a dude in an IFC chapter on campus this comment looks ridiculous. Calling them a club just because you couldn’t meet the standards of a ridiculously hard sorority to get into? You knew they were hard to get into when you rushed and you know that now? This comment was just you venting on the internet to get approval from random strangers but nothing is going to change the fact that you’re still not in DOK. turn over a new leaf because you’re not going to get into every society you want and sometimes you need to know people and have connections, that’s just how life is. Maybe rush next year?

By: Boohoo :(

As an active member of DOK, I wanted to address some of the rumors being discussed on this discussion board.

Firstly, once it is determined that you reach the GPA minimum (which numerous academic organizations require), one's GPA is no longer factored in to one's acceptance into DOK. Therefore, a 4.0 GPA is in no way required or gives one a advantage over someone else.

Secondly, I personally joined DOK without knowing a single person in the sorority, and I know countless others who were in that same situation. In fact, I'd say that the majority of those currently in DOK did not have any close friends in DOK when they rushed.

Additionally, while it may be discouraging that each pledge class consists of only about 20 individuals per semester, DOK has consciously chosen to maintain a smaller group size in order to facilitate the feeling of a tight-knit community in which everyone knows each member on a personal level.

Many individuals who do not receive a bid during their first rush choose to rerush the next semester (we hold a formal rush every semester rather than only in the spring like PHA). Many of these members are fondly remembered and frequently are accepted during a second rush.

To this day, I only know of one individual who has completely dropped the sorority, and it was due to the fact that she changed major and career path to outside of healthcare (although those who change majors are not required to drop).

Finally, although DOK is not PHA, it holds official sorority status with the university and therefore must follow all of the same rules, regulations, and guidelines that accompany that status. To add, members in DOK are NOT permitted to be in a social sorority as well.

Disclaimer: this is a personal account and is not an official statement by the sorority

By: dok
by: thanks 4 letting us know   

thanks for clarifying a discussion post from September 2021

By: thanks 4 letting us know

Are they bangable?????????

by: Connoisseur   

Most of them, yes

By: Connoisseur

anyways. think twice before rushing dok.

By: geed

DOK is just a really REALLY exclusive club, and many members I’ve met are snooty and act better than everyone else just because they managed to be one of the 20 girls that got a bid out of the 50ish that rushed that semester. They like to say that they’re an academic sorority and not like other greek life, but it’s just a clique of girls accepting girls that they like that are vaguely in the health sciences profession of some kind into a giant friend group they pay for. If they really wanted to not be like other greek life, then they should acknowledge that being a club of 90ish girls on a big 10 college campus is only going to get them negative reviews, because it breeds exclusivity. I know someone who’s rushed four times and did not get a bid. At that point, you know that the whole “many members are fondly remembered and accepted on a second rush” just isn’t true. It’s girls that look good to them and can get them connections, when the truth is they’d get more connections and more value as an organization actually behaving like a sorority at a bigger school.

By: :-/

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