
updated sorority rankings 2020

by: Frat Bro

No order in tiers. Any suggestions?

Top: Aphi, Axo, AGD, KKG
Upper Mid: Theta, DG
Mid: KD, Sigma Kappa, Tri Delt
Bottom: Chi O, AoPi, etc

Posted By: Frat Bro
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#1  by: Ummmm. Wondering.    

I sort of feel that kd has dropped all the way down

By: Ummmm. Wondering.
by: Frat BroJan 22, 2020 2:37:17 AM

I can see that... Everything else look good?

By: Frat Bro
by: suhNov 17, 2020 12:28:58 AM

yeah, but they’re not as low as tridelt

By: suh
#2  by: pretty good   

sororities can be simply put into relevant vs not relevant as such:
Relevant - axo, aphi, dg, agd, theta, kkg
Not relevant - others

By: pretty good
#3  by: No   

Most people don't consider KKG top. AGD is falling

By: No
#4  by: Hmmm   

Kkg participates and wins

By: Hmmm
by: ButJan 22, 2020 10:43:56 PM

If we are going by “participation and wins”, then agd and aphi are not top

By: But
by: wonderingJan 23, 2020 12:30:22 AM

pretty sure Aphi went hard for Watermelon Bash, Derby Days, etc.

By: wondering
#5  by: New bottom    

Chio, Aopi, KD

By: New bottom
#6  by: Fratboi   

Top: Aphi, Axo, KKG
Upper Mid: AGD
Mid: KD, Sigma Kappa, Theta
Bottom: Chi O, AoPi, TriDelt

By: Fratboi
by: Nope. Nov 16, 2020 6:57:24 PM

KD is bottom. Very sad.

By: Nope.

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