
2017-2018 rankings for fall recruitment


Mostly based on social life and reputation. If grades and service are more important for you, just do a little extra research! This is coming from a senior girl who's been involved since frosh year and was on exec last year!


Tier 1: Alpha Phi
Tier 2: Delta Gamma, Pi Phi, Chi O
Tier 3: KKG
Tier 4: AXO, Tri Delta, KD
Tier 5: Gamma Phi, Theta
Tier 6 (still new): Sigma Kappa


Tier 1: Phi Psi, SigEp, SAE
Tier 2: Lambda, Sigma Chi, FIJI, Delta Sig
Tier 3: Sigma Nu, DTD, Kappa Sigma
Tier 4: PIKE, AEPi
Tier 5: DU, Chi Psi, ATO, Theta Chi

Make sure to check out as many houses as you can! This is the most accurate rankings right now, but tier doesn't mean everything. Have fun this fall!

Posted By: T
Page 2 of 7

Honestly the fraternity tiers are good, only thing I might change about the sorority list is getting rid of tier 3 and moving KKG to tier 2 with the others. I feel like it's at least close enough to not have a whole other tier. But I see why you did that

By: Sororities
by: Smitty   

Put KkG on tier 2 and move Pi Phi to tier 3.

By: Smitty

Pi Phi tier 3 with kappa.. otherwise spot on.

By: Smitty

Best list on here except all tiers have cool people, the idea that only the top tiers matter is bull.

By: yup

Ok so how did DG & KD end up on probation? Isn't this public knowledge? As a PNM I feel a right to know what they did

By: Pnm

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by: Right   

No one will say even though it's anon? I guess any house we choose could end up on probation which sucks. Just tell us how easy it is?

By: Right
by: truth   

KD is on disciplinary probation for "disruptive behavior on campus" which could happen to any chapter that has a loud party and will probably not impact KD's ability to have social events.

By: truth
by: truth   

KD is in trouble because of a pinning where people were drinking in the classroom and not making grades as a chapter based on their national standards. DG is on a trouble because of people being drunk at anchorsplash and transports/functions being posted on social media, plus are in trouble with their nationals. They both are unlikely to be able to hold any events, and in the case of DG if they have anything happen in before spring they risk being suspended by the university.

By: truth
by: more truth   

KD made grades in spring so no one can say what their nationals will do. They may be off restriction.

By: more truth
by: ducks   

DG's girls were NOT drunk at anchorsplash. Fraternity and sorority members who participated in the dance competition hosted by DG were drunk so DG was found liable.

By: ducks

Fraternity list is exactly right, I agree with the sorority change mentioned above but overall this is still the best list on here imo

By: intheknow

DG tier 3 esp after this year PC. Recruitment will be tough

By: Cept
by: idk   

I feel like they have enough rep and good members built up that they'll be fine. They were top house just two years ago and still easily top tier last year. I agree with tier 2 for this year but don't think they'll drop further than that

By: idk
by: Meh    

XO screwed up majorly a couple years ago. It only slowed them down one year socially.

By: Meh
by: And    

DG has never been top house. It's always been A Phi

By: And
by: lol   

You're honestly just wrong. As recent as two years ago DG and A Phi were top house depending on personal preference. No doubt DG slowed down, but to say they were never on the same level is just misinformed.

By: lol
by: hmm   

at least dg was able to recruit a full pledge class. Almost half of aphi's freshman pledge class dropped by spring quarter due to drama in the house this past year

By: hmm
by: Hahahah ^^^   

That is total BS

By: Hahahah ^^^

Sigma Nu and Kappa Sig should definitely be moved up a tier and Fiji and Delta sig down, then pretty accurate

By: Yeah right
by: No   

From a girl's perspective, SigNu and Kappa Sig are closer to AEpi in tier 4 than any of the tier two houses (DSig, Sig Chi, Fiji, etc). Honestly SigNu probably should be moved down a tier.

By: No
by: ChiOregon   

No way. Sigma Nu and Kappa Sig are both closer to being moved down a tier than up. I'd go:
1 - Phi Psi, Sig Ep
2 - Sigma Chi, SAE, FIJI, Lambda
3 - Delta Sig, DTD, Kappa Sig
4 - Sigma Nu, AEPi, PIKE
5 - Rest

By: ChiOregon
by: uhh   

Lol uhhh what? Not a chance

By: uhh

From the sororities list I might move Pi Phi down with KKG, and KD could be in trouble with their probation. But I'd say the fraternity list would be the most agreed upon

By: ChiOregon

Sigma Chi been slippin toooo


Kappa same level as dg Chi o and pi phi, making a separate tier for them is simply untrue lol

By: ummmm
by: lol   

Well somebody's in Kappa lol. You wish. I personally agree they're on the same level as Pi Phi, who should be moved down to tier 3. But to say KKG is on par with DG is a joke and a half

By: lol

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