
Sorority/Frat Relations

by: advice

I know during recruitment orgs aren’t allowed to talk abt this but it does matter to some girls so here’s some input. While you shouldn’t join a sorority for the sole purpose of mixing with frats, I think pnms should be aware of the orgs that do mix and those that don’t. If mixers and likability by frats were the only factor in rankings there would be 4 srats on top and 3 srats on the bottom. Dphie/Aephi/Kappa/Zta all mix with top frats (not sure how frequent/quality zta’s mixers are tho) while the other 3 don’t. In these 3 srats, often girls are told they are not allowed to attend top frat parties because most are “off campus”, therefore there’s not even the chance to build relations. If you want to have mixers and relations with top frats, unfortunately dg, pi phi, and ast are not the orgs for you (still have great sisterhood). Also all frat men here suck so at the end of the day it’s not that deep.

Posted By: advice
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#1  by: Fake News   

Not even true. ZTA plse stop with self rank it’s desperate

By: Fake News
by: Panhel loveSep 7, 2024 12:49:27 PM

Let’s build our amazing orgs up instead of trying to tear each other down with clearly fake statements.

By: Panhel love
#2  by: zta   

how r we self ranking if we aren’t allowed to use our phones when these recent posts were posted

By: zta
by: Make it StopSep 7, 2024 8:01:37 PM

Then you have a crazed fan who is making you look really bad….

By: Make it Stop
#3  by: yuh   

Why is everyone hating this is true but frat guys suck and those orgs still go to off campus frats but yeah they don’t mix

By: yuh
by: LiesSep 8, 2024 1:48:28 AM

But it’s not true tho….

By: Lies

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