


What's the point of making me wait a year if I declined a bid? Especially when phi sig needs lots of new members?

Posted By: mraba
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I mean I feel like the rule is there to protect the bottom tier sororities. Panhellenic rules should protect us freshmen as much if not more.

By: Mraba

I think it's to keep girls from accepting bids then immediately dropping out- that rule gives the girls rushing a certain amount of accountability. By accepting a bid then dropping you're potentially taking a bid away from somebody who may have actually wanted it. Also accepting a bid then dropping immediately is kind of disrespectful to the sorority that was more than willing to take you in.

By: .
by: Mraba   

Except I'm not taking a bid away from anyone since everyone is guaranteed and got a bid. Plus it's not like I took a bid away from a top sorority. We're talking bottom tier here.

By: Mraba
by: .   

Yes, but if a girl had (completely hypothetically), AOPi, Tri Delt, and Chi O in her pref, and ranked it in that order, and you ended up getting AOPi, that would take an AOPi bid away from someone who wanted it, bumping her down to her second or third choice. Now that girl might be fine with Tri Delt or Chi O but if she had her heart set on AOPi that would really suck and you taking it and dropping immediately without giving them more than a couple hours of your time is pretty disrespectful.

Also tiers mean literally nothing. If you say the words "top tier sorority" to anyone older than a sophomore you're immediately discredited. It's about where you fit, not what your pledge class looks like.

By: .

Not everyone got a bid. So selfish of you.

By: Newsflash

I had three for preference. Two were acceptable. One I cut in every single round. Yet that's still the one I got. So I did not take a bid from anyone. And I did spend 4 rounds trying to give them a chance.

By: Mraba

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by: no   

If you had suicided you could've rushed phi sig. Also every sorority is "acceptable" and you're not better than anybody in any sorority so don't act like you are. I couldn't imagine what your attitude would've been if AGD were still on campus. Entitled PNMs are the worst.

By: no
by: mraba   

And you're right, I should have suicided. Let's just say I got bad advice. That's what I really wanted to do, but everyone says "no, don't suicide, it won't work out, you'll hurt your chances for the bid you want and informal". It's easy now to say I should have suicided, but three days ago, everyone was telling me not to, don't drop, trust it will work out, etc.

By: mraba

Listen, your really crappy attitude screams that you are not Greek material. Embrace your GDI letters and find a club on campus to fit in. You really need an attitude adjustment. wow, I mean I can't 'imagine' why the sororitys that you wanted didn't choose you, shocking. (insert sarcasm)

By: Not for you!
by: Mraba   

Whoa slow down there. Never said I was better than anyone. I apologize for using the word acceptable. What I meant was there were two I wanted to be. And one I cut every time. Are you saying either I have to love all and any of the 15 or my attitude is crappy?

By: Mraba

i got into a "bottom tier" sorority and they were my last choice for all 4 rounds of recruitment. I was about to quit then gave them another chance and I already love them.

By: pnm
by: Flavors   

That's awesome it worked for you. For me, I know out of 15 flavors of Jelly Belly's, I don't like coconut and no matter how many times I try coconut I'm still not going to like it.

By: Flavors

Seriously? I mean, you didn't get into the sororities you "thought" you fit into? Here's a little secret: THEY didn't choose YOU. Once you are on the other side (which, you prob won't ever be) you see that the PNMs really have very little control. Which, you should've figured out by the mere statement "I cut them every time". Interesting that 15 didn't choose you, the one who did choose you....you bailed on. Hmmm....find a nice club. Be happy. Let it go. Now even that 1 who did take you is regretting it. There are girls who didn't get a bid at all. You did the exact same thing to that 1, that 15 others did to you. That is the truth.

By: Flavors?
by: Seriously   

My gosh, take yourself seriously much? I never said I was pissed. I am happy and moving on. I can totally accept that a bunch of houses didn't pick me, can't you accept that I didn't pick one of you? The whole point was the rules are archaic and if phi sig wants me, I should have that choice. Ya'll advised me not to suicide and to trust you. That's bad advice and I definitely would have suicided or dropped if ya'll would have been more honest or open about the process.

By: Seriously

After reading all of this through, you sound like a huge brat. Show some grace.

By: Honestly

And your point? That may be the case but how does it change your situation at all? It doesn't matter one bit if you like or love one group unless we love you back. It's not up to you, we hold 99% of the cards. You can't make a group of girls select you! So your theory may be true, but it makes not one bit of difference in your case. You are still in the same situation.

By: And?

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