
going down

by: UC

We are going to kill you guys this weekend at your homecoming. Not only is our football team going to crush your pathetic team, but you also can't complete with our greek system and tailgates. What the hell has happened to you guys up there?

Have fun getting dominated ...losers

- UC

Posted By: UC
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#1  by: Lol   

I found used syringes on the ground the last time I was at UC. Then like a week after I was there someone got shot. You go ahead and do what you have to do to make yourself feel better.

By: Lol
#2  by: Hahahah   

UC doesn't even have a Greek system. It's a joke. We have twice as many sororities and fraternities, your top tier guys and girls would end up in our middle tier and bottom sororities and fraternties, and anyone can get into your school. We rank 60 spots higher on the list of smartest schools in the nation. Not to mention #1 hottest guys and girls in the nation. Oh, and we're the 19th biggest party school in the country and UC doesn't even make the list. It's an amazing life to be a Miami student, I would hate myself if I went to UC.

By: Hahahah
by: yearightSep 17, 2015 12:31:37 PM

All your frats are getting kicked off cause they suck and your sororities are so big nobody knows everybody ...my friend that goes there said two girls in the same sorority got in a fight and had no idea they were 'sisters'.
As far as parties, I'll see what it's like Saturday from tailgaiting into the night up there and make a judgement on what you say. I'm proceeding with caution

By: yearight
by: What a jokeSep 17, 2015 2:01:03 PM

Our frats are getting kicked off cause they rage harder than any of yours do because yours aren't even real frats, you're an embarrassment to even call yourself Greek. And our sororities are the exact same size as yours, pledge classes at UC are about 50 and at Miami they're 60, but I wouldn't expect you to be able to do math since you go to UC. Plenty of girls at UC hate their sisters, we actually know what sisterhood is. We're still smarter, hotter and better than you and one day you'll be working for us. And tailgating? We don't do that here. Doesn't exist. We just throw huge fests that last 24 hours and make the news, as well as go out regularly 5-6 times a week. At UC if you go out you get shot, you guys don't even know how to drink. Step up your game, you're embarrassing. I would hate my life if I went to UC. Sorry you couldn't get into Miami.

By: What a joke
by: GuestSep 17, 2015 2:05:41 PM

What makes this kid think he would get into a Miami party? One look and he'd get kicked right out.

By: Guest
by: we'll seeSep 17, 2015 2:36:02 PM

oh yea, getting into a party is sooo difficult. you guys think youre the ish because you have block parties and act like you get arrested and make fake videos with weird dudes and beat chicks? what a freakin joke
Not to mention your president is a laughingstock compared to Ono. See you saturday

By: we'll see
by: Poor UC kidSep 17, 2015 2:42:53 PM

We have Green Beer day, a tradition that schools across the nation try to mimick every year. We are the 19th biggest party school in the nation, while UC doesn't even make the list, must I go on? You can't argue facts, we're better than you. And beat chicks? Nope, you might wanna look that up. #1 hottest girls in the nations. Girls at UC look like rats and your top tier girls in Kappa, Theta, Tri Delt, and PiPhi at UC couldn't get into our sororities.

The funniest part of this conversation is you think UC is actually good at anything. You're the school everyone goes to when they can get into anywhere else. Miami is a nationally recognized school. You're trying to compare A public ivy school to an inner city dump of a college. I'm so sorry you go to UC but you can't take it out on us. Also, president Ono is a joke and is the laughing stock of all other university presidents. Have you seen his social media accounts? He should retire now.

By: Poor UC kid
by: So sad Sep 17, 2015 2:45:36 PM

You have nothing to show for at UC. It's a sad college. At least OSU is national champs and OU knows how to party. UC is the worst school in the state of Ohio and is so jealous of Miami, OSU, and OU.

By: So sad
by: Seriously?Sep 18, 2015 12:11:24 PM

Miami are you serious about the frat experience? So you think getting blacked out and hooking up with random girls you don't know, don't want to know, don't care enough about to walk home and don't even remember hooking up with is cool? Give me a break. Do not understand people at this school. I wrote the previous comment about architecture being our one good thing. Yes I go here and it is the emptiest experience of my life. All anyone cares about is getting wasted and themselves. Looking to transfer next semester.

By: Seriously?
by: lifeSep 18, 2015 1:50:04 PM

You DO NOT have over 30 fraternities and as mother of fraternities, you blow a complete hard one. its embarrassing

By: life
by: 20 fratsSep 18, 2015 1:58:47 PM

It's more like 20 frats Miami has. Some are just really bad and a handful count but arent recognized by the university so they really dont count either

By: 20 frats
by: LolSep 18, 2015 3:26:58 PM

You poor naive girl. Every school has guys that want to hook up with girls and guys that want to date girls. If you think that's just Miami then I feel so sorry for you. And no you don't go to Miami, good try UC student. And yes I know UC kids don't know how to count, but we have almost 40 including IFC and black fraternities. 50 if you wanna include business fraternities. UC kids die to get into Miami, but you're just not good enough.

By: Lol
#3  by: Guest   

I think UC kids don't know how to do math or read. Academics, looks, partying, Greek life, campus are all better and they're statistical facts, not opinion. So what is this kid still trying to run his mouth and argue about? There's no argument. We are better.

By: Guest
#4  by: Haha   

I go to miami and the comments I'm reading from Miami students above are just plain embarrassing. Big ego's, from a bunch of kids who peaked in high school.

By: Haha
by: AgreeSep 17, 2015 11:37:14 PM

Funny part is, after all our chirping, we are still going to lose on Saturday. Embarrassing? Yes! Miami may be harder to get into, and our campus may be more attractive, but that's it. To you kids who brag about how you go out 5-6 nights a week; you ever think about where you could be, ya know, like a real ivy, if you reduced you drinking nights down to just 2-3 and actually worked hard?Instead you spend your days recovering from your hangovers. Oh wait, you didn't? Not surprised, because guess what, you peaked in high school....

By: Agree
by: agreeSep 18, 2015 7:38:34 AM

Seeing some of the comments by Miami students seem Miami students don't like our school as much as the UC kid.. that is sad to me.

What's even more sad is what the quote "to think in such a place, I led such a life" means to most students - "to think I could go somewhere for 4 years and get drunk, rage, and party my face off and still get a job is amazing to me and is something that defies reality"

By: agree
by: HahaahSep 18, 2015 11:39:43 AM

You guys are idiots. None of those comments are written by Miami students. UC kids coming on here pretending to go to Miami, we see right through you. And we're still better than you. See ya in 5 years when you're delivering pizza to our door and we're making millions! Top 30 public school, that's what I'm talking about. Get on our level.

By: Hahaah
#5  by: Love and Honor to Miami   

The best part about Miami in my opinion is the professors. We rank #2 in the entire nation in front of Harvard and Yale and every Ivy League school except Princeton for having the biggest commitment to undergraduate teaching. Our professors are smarter, more qualified and care more about us than any silly teacher at UC. UC is largely a graduate school too, and ignore the undergraduates in many ways. What we have is something you can never replace and that's why more than half our students are out of state and come from all over the country. The only school better than us at this in the entire nation is Princeton. Let that sink in. And therefore, UC could never come close to competing with us.

By: Love and Honor to Miami
by: okSep 18, 2015 1:54:38 PM

You sound like someone from admissions trying to talk someone into going here. Miami has fallen to #5 on that list btw - you must be some grad that is living in the past.

By: ok
by: Ily Miami Sep 18, 2015 3:30:51 PM

HAHAHAHA UC is so ignorant they embarrass themselves. Miami used to be third on that list for the past 5 years and this was the first year they moved to number 2. I know UC is embarrassed of their school and has to defend it because it's the only school they got into, but at Miami we're so proud and in love with our school. You never see anyone who goes to UC that's in love with it. I pity that you have to call yourself a Bearcat. Love and Honor to Miami <3

By: Ily Miami
#6  by: A Miracle   

I didn't think the day would come. Jesus, I believe you are at the pearly gates right now, ready to descend and bring your people up. Can't believe this hasn't made the news.

A UC student is using full sentences.

UC sucks butt. Take your worthless pandering somewhere else.

By: A Miracle
#7  by: 37-33 score    

UC only won by 4 points hahahahahaha how embarrassed are you now UC? Weren't you supposed to "kill" us? What happened to that? Guess you're not good at football either

By: 37-33 score
#8  by: Wow   

We lost. You look ridiculous saying the number of points. The last time we won the bell I was in the 5th grade Hopefully, next year

By: Wow

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