
what does it mean when fraternity is not recognize

by: newguy

the fraternities that got yanked over the summer, will they still have rush? Will they have a house?

Posted By: newguy
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#1  by: Guest   

They are not recognized by the school. They will have underground rush so you have to know someone in the fraternity to get in. Not anyone can rush a fraternity underground. And if they aren't recognized by the school, they do not have a house i.e. Sig ep, kappa sig, phi psi, snu.

By: Guest
by: aphigrlSep 14, 2015 10:59:36 AM

sig ep is recognized by the school they just lost the soph exemption for this year just like ka

By: aphigrl
by: correctSep 14, 2015 11:01:50 AM

yes aphigrl is correct. Sigep and ka lost the exemption at the very end of last school year. THey will both have it back next year. Freshmen should be fine joining these two top frats

By: correct
by: KASep 14, 2015 1:38:52 PM

Lost theirs for next year too

By: KA
#2  by: newguy   

so, what does soph exemption? will they all be holding a regular rush at the houses?

By: newguy
#3  by: tool   

If a frat is unrecognized, the university does not see them as an organization that operates at Miami. I would not want to join an unrec org unless I just wanted some drinking buddies. they also cant house sophs

By: tool
by: GuestSep 14, 2015 3:20:48 PM

There is a difference. KA & SigEp are recognized, they just don't have a house for one year. Phi psi, SAE, Kappa Sig, Beta, and SigNu are totally unrecognized/kicked off

By: Guest
by: WrongSep 14, 2015 5:02:27 PM

Wrong about SAE. They are recognized nationally. Only reason they are not recognized by Miami is because they chose not to be. Once they were in the good graces nationally all they needed to do was petition miami for reinstatement. They chose not to do that. There are advantages to being recognized by nationals and NOT being recognized by Miami.

By: Wrong
by: froshSep 14, 2015 8:40:06 PM

what advantages are there to being unrecognized? why wouldnt all go unrecognized

By: frosh
by: GuestSep 14, 2015 11:39:58 PM

sig ep lost their exemption and house, ka lost just their exemption, and phi psi and sig nu are kicked off for four years

By: Guest
#4  by: newguy   

This is kind of confusing...So the only way to rush at Phi psi, SAE, Kappa Sig, Beta, and SigNu is to know someone in it already (which I don't) ? Why did they get kicked out?

By: newguy
by: NopeSep 15, 2015 2:31:18 PM

You shouldn't want to rush them anyways hahah. There are like 30 fraternities on campus. All of those frats you just listed are irrelevant except Phi Psi and SAE. Just pick another great one (like SigPi, Theta Chi, KA, Fiji, SigEp, Phi Tau, Phi Delt, etc)

By: Nope
#5  by: Guest   

If you are a freshman, I would recommend NOT rushing a fraternity that has been completely kicked off. By "completely kicked off," I mean fraternities that don't have recognition from the university or their national chapter (Sig Nu, Phi Psi, Beta, and Kappa Sig). These fraternities do not have access to their respective houses and are not allowed to use or rent out any university facilities.

While not being able to use university facilities as an organization is hardly a punishment, not having a house and not being mentioned along with all the other recognized organizations can be a huge recruitment killer over the course of several years.

You can be the biggest party kings like Sig Chi used to be and fade into irrelevance in the matter of 3 years without a house. Even Phi Tau got a huge influx of weirdos for the year they were suspended.

By: Guest

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