
sorority tiers pov


Tier One - The traditional Miami Student: DZ Theta AXO DG ChiO ADPI TriDelta KD
Tier Two I wanted to be in a Sorority and am having the time of my life: Zeta Kappa Gamma Phi Phi Mu AOPI Alpha Ep Phi

Tier Three: I was lucky enough to get into Miami with the lower entrance standards: Alpha Phi PhiPi

And all upperclassmen know what I am talking about.

Posted By: no hater
Page 1 of 1

WTF? Please clarify?

By: Huh?

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I'm really confused again. Miami lowers admission standards for Alpha Phis and Pi Phis? How did they know what sororities the girls would pick? Do they just guess and then let them in because they are cute or something? If so, that's so not fair! Please explain "no hater"!

By: Huh?

Alpha Phi has one of the highest overall GPAs of all the sororities and DG and DZ have the 2 lowest (I'm not hating, just making a point). So where is the logic in this post?

By: Confused

This is how it is. If you complain, then you are simply wrong

By: Yep
by: Hahahah   

Lol you look like an idiot. Here's the facts that prove who has the best grades and worst grades. Good try! ;) issuu.com/cliffalexanderoffice/docs/spring_2015/1
If that link doesn't work Google "miami university community profile sororities"

By: Hahahah
by: Haha   

Alpha Phi "new members " had one of the lower gpa's 3.19. Kinda funny because those are the same girls on here 24/7 telling everyone how they are the "hottest, most involved, best at everything".... Hard being the best at everything, eh girls? Best get that GPA up. LOL

By: Haha
by: Hahaha   

Can you read? How did you get into Miami? Alpha Phi had the 6th best grades out of the 18 sororities in the overall council. Sounds like you're real jealous. The only sororities that got higher grades than APhi was Chi O, ADPi, Theta, Kappa and KD. APhi also raised the second most money for their philanthropy and had the 3rd most community hours. Safe to say APhi is the hottest, most involved, and smart. Maybe your sorority should try harder ;)

By: Hahaha
by: Lol   

Dear second "hahaha" responder, did you even look at "new members spring 2015 gpa"? Alpha phi new members had one of the lower gpa's for spring 2015 at 3.19. Biggest self promoters on greekrank, so yes, it was fun to see where they stand. Guess it's a good thing the older girls carried last years freshman class....

By: Lol
by: Omg   

Lolling at hahaha. Question is, can you read? Look again sweetie, she said "new member GPA, spring 2015". How did you get into Miami is the question? Alpha Phi's ( Freshman from spring 2015) had one of the lower gpa's. Think maybe her point is that while you were on Greek Rank telling everyone how awesome you are, how beautiful you are, how hot you are, and how you better than everyone else etc., girls in other sororities were studying.. Oh did I forget to mention, the girls in the sororities with higher freshman gpa's are pretty darn hot. Never have I seen more inflated egos than with the now sophomore Alpha Phi's. Do us all a favor and get over yourselves. Please!

By: Omg

thanks for the facts. nobody said anything about a gpa. you can have a high gpa and have a shatty ACT score. but honestly anyone who thinks Alpha Phi is exceptionally HOT is delusional. I mean they have a handful of hot girls, but so do most other sororities.

By: no hater
by: Ummm   

Your point "no hater"? I had a high GPA in honors classes at my high school. Took the ACT test once. Score was not exceptional, but knew it was good enough to get into Miami and the other university's I liked as well. Why would I waste time and energy trying to boost by score? Don't get your point. Are you thinking ACT scores are more important than GPA? Have been told GPA a better indicator of college success than test score. Believe a hard worker is valued more highly than a good test taker. Just my opinion. Oh, and FYI, I did not ever get tutored because my first test score was "good enough". And while you put others down, we are all attending the same university, so what makes you so high and mighty? If you think you are intellectually superior to others at Miami, then why are you even here? You should be at a better school.....

By: Ummm
by: Guest   

"A handful of hot girls" so it sounds like you've never met their sophomore class, what a shame

By: Guest

Lol at all of the Alpha Phi's on here. It's like they don't even make an attempt at hiding it, but they get pissed when people call them out on being Alpha Phi's. Nobody cares enough to look up those statistics. Watch one comment angrily back to me.

By: Lol
by: Funny   

Alpha Phi's asking if we've even seen their sophomore class. Yes, and we saw their gpa's from last spring too! Why are they bragging? One of the lowest new member gpa's last spring at a whopping 3.19.... Not sure why they keep bragging.

By: Funny

Hahahah, can you even read? She said new members gpa, not total gpa. New members are the ones on here talking about their awesomeness all the time. So fun to see they scored below so many other awesome sororities!

By: Ha
by: Yep   

Think they've quieted down for a bit. Can't keep bragging about being smarter than everyone now that facts are out....

By: Yep
by: Sorry honey    

They're still smarter than everyone, still have the 6th best GPA on campus, sorry to break it to you. Guess all the older girls in the other sororities are too stupid and are bringing down their new members with their low gpas if they can't beat alpha phi as a whole, ya know, since APhi has such a low new member GPA.

By: Sorry honey
by: yeah   

I'm sure you'll hear back when the weekend is over. Most people are too busy having real lives on Saturday night to be replying to people on an anonymous website.......

By: yeah

Everyone knows Alpha Phi is the smartest, prettiest, hottest, and most involved sorority on the campus. If you disagree than I feel sorry for you!

By: Duh
by: lol   

youre trying way too hard with tryna hate on aphi. bring it down bud. breathe, it'll be ok.

By: lol

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