
sorority- fraternity


What Sorority hangs out with which fraternity?

Posted By: Dhdcm
Page 1 of 1

ΣΑΕ - chi o, a chi o
ΘΧ - dz, a o pi
ΚΑ - tri delt, theta
ΦKT - zta, alpha phi
ΦKΨ - kappa, dz
ΣΠ - aphi, dg
φΓΔ - phi mu, ao pi
ΦΔΘ - gamma phi, ad pi
ΣΝ - a chi o, aphi
ΣΦΕ - dz, zta
ΑΔΦ - kd, phi mu
ΔΤΔ - chi o, tri delt
ΠΚΑ - gamma phi, kappa
ΤΚΕ - ao pi, a chi o
ΔΧ - zta, kd
ΚΣ - theta, dz
ΔΚΕ - ad pi, tri delt
ΔΥ - ao pi, zta
ΧΨ - phi mu, dz
ΠΚΦ - theta, alpha phi
ΣΑΜ - ae phi, chi o
ΖΒΤ - pi beta phi, phi mu
ΛΧΑ - zta, chi o
ΑΣ - theta, kd
ΔΣ - gamma phi, a chi o

By: pairings 2015
by: true   

this is the most accurate pairings going into fall 2015

By: true
by: misters   

some of this is correct, some is off slightly

By: misters
by: sorority grl   

phi psi was with pi phi but is not any longer. the match they have is rather accurate

By: sorority grl
by: wannabe   

FIJI is moving up is in they hang out with. they are on the cusp of breaking into top tier

By: wannabe
by: spring to fall   

FIJI is phi mu and zta.. rest is dead on

By: spring to fall
by: Wow!   

Looks like DZ and Zeta have all the guys. Dang, I picked the wrong sorority!

By: Wow!
by: wtf   

this is so wrong

By: wtf
by: revised real   

SigPi- DG
KA- Alpha Phi, Theta, sometimes AXO
SAE- Alpha Phi, Theta
Phi Tau-Pi Phi & Aplha Phi
Phi Psi- PiPhi & Theta
Theta Chi- Alpha Phi & TDG

By: revised real
by: Not even close.    

That's so wrong hahah. Long story short, Theta Chi and KA and SigPi loooove Theta and APhi. Phi Tau and Phi Psi both hang with PiPhi & DG. And SAE pretty much only hangs with DG and occasionally APhi.

By: Not even close.
by: mastrea   

dead on

By: mastrea

Someone's messing with you, same person posted and made all comments as well. This is a total joke!

By: Haha

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by: Nah   

I see nothing wrong with this

By: Nah
by: tweeter   

somebodys pissed off!

By: tweeter
by: lol   


By: lol

This appears to be pretty accurate

By: Looks correct
by: Waka   

Watch how these change next year

By: Waka

You think this is right you are dumb

By: If
by: yea   

phi tau hangs out with a chi o rather consistently, not alpha phi and I'm pretty sure alpha sig doesn't hang out with anybody

By: yea

Although I appreciate the joke the person made above with all the pairings, I'd say of the top 6 frats
SigPi-Alpha Phi, Theta
KA- Alpha Phi, Theta, sometimes AXO
Phi Tau-Pi Phi & DG, sometimes AXO
Phi Psi- PiPhi & DG
Theta Chi- Alpha Phi & Theta
Or at least this is what the top 6's favorites are

I know SigNu loves DZ, AXO and Phi Delt are paired together a lot, and Fiji really loves Theta and APhi. SigEp hangs with APhi and DZ.

By: Real
by: push   

this is pretty accurate although you left off all the other frats and sororitys... please include these

By: push
by: Guest   

Honesty idk about the others. There's no way anyone here knows who all 15 sororitys hangout with the most. I only know about those 4 or 5 sororities cause I'm in one of them and have friends in the others. That's not trying to be rude I just don't know.

By: Guest
by: Lower top tier/upper mid   

Ok well since this is only the top tier sororitys, does anyone know about the upper middle tier sororitys like AXO, DZ, Zeta, and Kappa? Who do they hang with?

By: Lower top tier/upper mid
by: Lower top   

Usually those 4 hang out with a mix of phi delt, fiji, snu, sig ep, etc. I'd say these 4 have the broadest range of frats they hang with compared to other sororities.

By: Lower top
by: Yo   

Kappa loves snu, snu loves kappa

By: Yo
by: Duh   

Look closely people. Alpha Phi pulls like no other. Alpha Phi gets guys!

By: Duh
by: Good try    

How? 3 of the top 6 frats prefer PiPhi & DG and the other 3 prefer Theta & APhi. Sounds like you're trying to stir up drama. It's very clear:
Phi Tau, Phi Psi, SAE- PiPhi & DG
SigPi, KA, Theta Chi- Theta & APhi
Of course this varies and this only refers to generalizations but this is about right.
Also SigEp and Fiji will sometimes hang with Theta and APhi but that's because DG and PiPhi both choose to stick to those 3 frats and there is nothing wrong with that.

By: Good try

ΣΑΕ - chi o, a chi o
ΘΧ - dz, a o pi
ΚΑ - tri delt, theta
ΦKT - zta, alpha phi
ΦKΨ - kappa, dz
ΑΔΦ - kd, phi mu

By: only relevant frats
by: Guest   

Adphi's is actually accurate lol

By: Guest
by: Guest   

phi tau accurate too

By: Guest

Wasn't aware that Alpha Phi and Theta get all the guys when I rushed...damn.

By: Hmmmm
by: Yeah right    

You weren't aware the minute you walked into the room during rush? I was pretty aware lol

By: Yeah right
by: Nope   

Sorry, but no, I did not. Not any more attractive than any of the other top 6, hate to burst your bubble.

By: Nope
by: Yeah right    

From a guy, that's not even close to true. There are differences in how hot the top 6 are. You can't say that all 6 are equally attractive.

By: Yeah right
by: Right   

You are not a dude.. A dude wouldn't say "as a guy".... Just like I don't say "as a girl".. But thanks for your opinion. Sorry, hate to burst your bubble once again, but theta and Alpha Pbi are not the only hot sororities....

By: Right

I have analyzed this as correct

By: yes

ΣΑΕ - chi o, a chi o
ΘΧ - dz, a o pi
ΚΑ - tri delt, theta
ΦKT - zta, alpha phi
ΦKΨ - kappa, dz
ΣΠ - aphi, dg
φΓΔ - phi mu, ao pi
ΦΔΘ - gamma phi, ad pi
ΣΝ - a chi o, aphi
ΣΦΕ - dz, zta
ΑΔΦ - kd, phi mu
ΔΤΔ - chi o, tri delt
ΠΚΑ - gamma phi, kappa
ΤΚΕ - ao pi, a chi o
ΔΧ - zta, kd
ΚΣ - theta, dz
ΔΚΕ - ad pi, tri delt
ΔΥ - ao pi, zta
ΧΨ - phi mu, dz
ΠΚΦ - theta, alpha phi
ΣΑΜ - ae phi, chi o
ΖΒΤ - pi beta phi, phi mu
ΛΧΑ - zta, chi o
ΑΣ - theta, kd
ΔΣ - gamma phi, a chi o

By: New pairings
by: Incoming freshman   

I'm confused, thought I heard both Pi Phi and DG were good sororities. If so, why don't they hang out with any guys?

By: Incoming freshman
by: No   

This list is a joke freshman, and obviously not real. Get off and stfu

By: No
by: Incoming freshman   

Yeah, but still, everything I read is all about how theta and alpha phi get all the guys. Thought DG and pi phi were good too..

By: Incoming freshman
by: Truth    

DG and PiPhi are top 4 along with Theta and Alpha Phi but it's definitely very true that PiPhi and DG hang with much fewer frats cause that's just how they prefer it. They typically hang with the same 3. Don't judge who is "good" based just on who you hang with. You'll know during rush who the best sororities are anyways.

By: Truth

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