
alpha phi's


Ladies you are fabulous at self promotion. Some of you are very cute, but not any cuter than any of other top sororities. Please do less.

Posted By: Calm Down
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Truer words have never been spoken. If you think about it, it's pretty deranged that a group if girls spends so much time telling everyone how hot they are. Not to mention how image conscious these girls are. Knowing how much they value being "hot", think it's fair to assume their photos/ head shots are the most edited out of every sorority. It's all an image they are trying to project, it's not reality, sorry to say.

By: Yes!

Not a fan of aphi myself but they're the hottest sorority by a long shot. No one needs to self promote on Greek rank because it's just obvious who's the hottest and who's not by being on campus.

By: Guest
by: Let's be real    

"Viewed their headshots" wtf no? Have you viewed their headshots? Because I haven't hahah. You can try to convince people all you want but it's obvious who the hottest sorority is just by being on campus and seeing them out. And I'm not surprised every other sorority is trying to tear them down or say they're not the hottest. What matters is what guys think is the hottest and that's pretty obvious too. Trying to write nasty things on the internet doesn't make you right it just makes you jealous and insecure about your own sorority.

By: Let's be real

Saying that the hottest house isn't "hotter than any other top house" on the internet doesn't make them less hot hahaha. Neither does up voting your own post multiple times.

By: Sorry but...

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I feel bad because one girl is going to be responsible for giving a whole sorority a bad name

By: You are not fooling anyone

The crazy Alpha Phi baby finally logged on and down voted this 42 times. I was waiting to see how long it would take her. Not that many people go on greek rank....especially not within a span of 30 seconds

By: haha
by: Haha   

Alpha Phi babies on high alert. Image, after all, is everything... LOL!

By: Haha
by: Heheheh   

Ya. Alpha Phi is still hotter than you lol.

By: Heheheh
by: Hahaha thx for the rant   

Still better lol ^

By: Hahaha thx for the rant

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