


What are you guys' thoughts on adpi?

Posted By: Sjsjeh
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super adorable

By: ml

I've been really surprised by how much I liked them. Very genuine girls.

By: Freshman

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They're catty and really awkward. I had two adpis in one of my small classes and they never even spoke to each other.

By: ehh
by: HA   

I highly doubt that, ADPis are like the only sorority where they all get along. I've never seem or heard them be mean to each other, they seem to have a great sisterhood.

By: HA
by: ...   

I've never known any of them to be catty or anything like that, but I had the same thing happen in a class of like 20 people last year where there were two who never talked to each other.

By: ...

They usually have a strong sisterhood, but I know a few that think it's cliquey. Tbh all of the ADPis I know are super awkward and loud, but they aren't fake which is nice.

By: adpi

I doubt any of the people commenting really know ADPis because most of these comments couldn't be further from the truth. It's sad to see great girls being torn down for no reason

By: Sorority

I had ADPi in pref last year but joined another middle tier sorority, but I have so many friends in there and they're a great group. They're super involved and care about grades, but they also love to go out and have fun. I think they're a good mix of work hard and play hard.

By: Honest
by: PNM   

Grades and school are a large part of my life but I also love just going out and having fun. I am worried that ADPi don't go out a lot?

by: ^   

Their sophomore and junior class got out just as much as any other sorority. They're just good at balancing school and fun so people think they don't go out as much as they do

By: ^

multiple actives in ADPI during rush mentioned their bigs/friends dropping...not sure if that says anything but it was hella awkward

By: yo
by: ?   

No way this happened

By: ?

This could have been financial. Not everyone drops because they don't like their sorority, sometimes it's just too expensive.

By: $$

Adpi has been trolling this site since the summer tearing down other sororities. Do Less and be kind to your fellow Greek community.


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