
alpha phi


Everyone look on the master Greek Rank news feed how Alpha Phi at Miami made a list of 18 of the most underrated Sororities! Congratulations for hard work and being bold and praising your sisterhood and for LETTING everyone know how proud you are of your sorority!

Posted By: flowers
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Is this a joke? That's embarrassing. That's like announcing to the world how much you come on Greek rank. That's worse than AXO submitting themselves to TFM

By: what
by: flowers   

no read it. y'all should take a look around. things are changing. some girls are going to get left behind if they do not pay attention. im not. im going where girls want to be the best and tell everyone they are the best. if people want to mock and carry on just go ahead and be left behind. im going with fresh sororities like PHI MU DDD CHIO AND KD

By: flowers
by: "Flowers"   

Stfu flowers, you've been on here for days bashing sororities and then saying you want to join them. You are the worst type of person

By: "Flowers"

Huh. That's interesting. I wish they gave more details on how they chose those sororities/specific contributions that they mentioned and how it's different from everyone else.
I'm not saying they don't do those things, I'm just genuinely curious how these were chosen and why. They don't elaborate much.

By: ...

yeah they have a lot of random sororities from random schools on that post doesnt make sense

By: weird
by: umm    

No. I would say all the sororities and schools had a lot in common. Big party schools with partying members.

By: umm

Please tell me this is not the same Flowers that started that stupid sundial pic thread. Even if it isn't, this is still incredibly stupid.

By: not you again

yes it is the same. and why is everyone hating on the post? it is a greek rank fact. Be proud of this Alpha Phi recognition! yet everyone is hating on it? salty sisters you are. jealous salty sisters. I only wish I could be Alpha Phi.

By: flowers
by: go away   

seriously whoever you are, GET OFF THIS WEBSITE

By: go away

If Greek Rank says its so, then it MUST be true. Literally LOL'ing.


thisis funny

By: funny

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