


Does anybody else get the feeling that there is an Alpha Phi that keeps coming on here pretending to be a pnm and juxtaposing themselves with Theta? Cuz they always get reallllly defensive about Alpha Phi when people say something negative and I really don't think pnms care that much about one sorority yet

Posted By: hmm
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I loved Alpha Phi, I also loved a lot of other sororities. I'm a pnm, and I am really trying to understand why there is so much Alpha Phi hate/bashing. They are really high on my list, but am second guessing myself because people keep dissing them on here. Please explain why there's so much hate.

By: Omg1

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by: junior   

I'll be honest, in my experience they're just not the type of girls I personally want to be around. They're pretty mean and are EXTREMELY into tiers, rankings and their image to the point that it controls everything they do. They're the girls who have to spend an hour on their hair and makeup before going out in their letters. When I rushed, girls I talked to there talked about other sororities to my face, which is unheard of. And I know that they started a whole bunch of nasty rumors about Pi Phi and other good sororities during rush last year that can be traced directly back to them. If you need to know what I'm talking about, just go look at their "fall in love with Alpha Phi" recruitment video. No other sorority on campus tries that hard. And I've legitimately heard them discussing what they've read on Greek rank in public. They are a good sorority and a lot of girls like them, I just don't think they're very genuine and a lot of girls I know feel the same way. They do put on a good show during rush though. This is the general perception of them on campus, big social climbers.

By: junior

no not really

By: .

I'm sure there are girls on here self ranking but as someone already in a top sorority that is not an alpha phi, I can honestly say pnms have really been liking them the last 2 years and have really risen as a sorority! I give them props

By: Hi
by: Yes and No   

Alpha Phi was below DZ a few years ago. Only recently did they apparently "rise", which I find hard to believe. They were always known as the very sporty/athletic sorority of social climbers who never quite made it to the top tier.

By: Yes and No
by: ^   

Alpha Phi is still below DZ. They are actually below Zeta.

By: ^

I think it's hilarious that other sororoties get so bothered that PNMs love alpha phi. It's like they're in denial and can't accept it. Don't believe us? Don't ask girls on an anonymous forum where they can lie. Ask random PNMs what their favorites are

By: Ha
by: Ha   

I was referring to asking them in person

By: Ha
by: Haha   

Chill out "pnm"

By: Haha

It isn't a feeling - it is real.

By: enough already

I love this thread. All the other sororities are so jealous of APhi that it's amusing hahaha

By: Guest
by: Guest   

nobody is jealous of you aphi, you're just annoying. and don't pretend that you're a pnm, because no pnm would care enough to constantly be on greek rank defending a sorority they're not even a part of

By: Guest

Alpha phi literally everyone hates you

By: Haha

Refer to recent post about one of the most underrated chapters --- all the haters gonna hate.

By: flowers

alpha Phis will rise in the tiers when they hangout with another fraternity than sig ep... which doesn't seem likely any time soon

By: lol

They dirty rushed and cut multiple girls this entire process. All they care about is social climbing

By: Awful

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