


I only got called back to 6 today and I hated one of them. Am I going to get stuck in the one I don't like?

Posted By: PNM
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Maybe. But if things work out you'll keep going to ones you do like. At this point, if you think about it, there's only a 1 in 6 chance of getting that one. The worst thing you can do, though, is have a bad attitude or be rude at the one you don't like. All it does is make both you and the sister you're talking to miserable, plus word gets around and you could get kicked out of recruitment.

By: .
by: :-)   

If you had that attitude, don't worry, I doubt they want you either. Feelings mutual. AOII girls are sweet and genuine. You wouldn't fit in.

By: :-)
by: .   

I agree and coming from a sorority that's pretty similar to AOPi and having talked to rude PNMs in the past, I can tell you I wouldn't wish it on anybody. It doesn't even work- the whole mentality that if you get dropped from a sorority you don't like then you'll only get good ones as options for pref- because the ones you do like won't want you if they hear you've been rude.

By: .

who do you have left. who do you hate

By: ya
by: PNM   

I have ADPi, Gamma Phi, Phi Mu, Tri Delta, and A Chi O left. Plus AOPi which is the one I'm really avoiding.


AOPi is a nice group of girls. Get a grip hater.

by: really though   

the girls in AOPi are all really outgoing and nice, if this chick can't make conversation with them, and be nice even if its not a sorority she wants, shes shallow as hell. Coming from a guy in a fraternity. You'll be lucky if you get a bid anywhere.

By: really though

i only dislike AOPi because i know a few girls in there (who i happen to be good friends with) and they always tell me about how they don't feel connected to their sisters at all. and sisterhood is most important to me. i even mentioned an AOPi that i knew during welcome round and the girl i was talking to had no clue who she was. so no, i'm not shallow. they just aren't what i'm looking for personally.

By: pnm

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by: helloooo   

if u think this is only true with aoii, you are sadly mistaken. sororities are large and of course subgroups of friendships evolve. that is only natural. wake up.

By: helloooo

Like Taylor says, the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate baby, shake it off, shake it off. What the AOPi girls are doing---shaking it off!

By: strong words from a PNM

coming from a guy: aopi is literally the worst sorority at miami's campus

By: lol
by: Ha   

Too bad sisterhoods have literally nothing to do with boys or their opinions on what sororities are good or bad

By: Ha
by: ^wannabe   

don't be hating on the sisters of any sorority you frat boy wannabe.

By: ^wannabe

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