


can someone tell me what makes theta, kappa, and chio different and why they are ranked in the order that they are.

Posted By: curious
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Theta is ranked top because they are the most selective chapter on campus, consistently have the most attractive girls, and hang out exclusively with the top fraternities. While they aren't as fun/crazy as Pi Phi, they still are more fun than Kappa and Chi O.

Kappa is middle because while, it does have several attractive girls its members are not as attractive across the board as theta. Kappa is only moderately selective and some of there girls aren't as cool or as fun either. They do not hang out with the top fraternities as consistently as Theta.

Chi O is viewed as a lower tier sorority because although they have some, they mostly have more unattractive girls than Kappa. Their girls are kinda weird and not very fun. They usually hang out with the lower tier fraternities if they hang out with any at all. Unlike Theta and Kappa, Chi O is pretty much off the radar in the social scene at Miami. I couldn't even name more than like two or three.

All three of these sororities are similar in that they are all considered to have the smarter, classier, more goal oriented girls than some of the others.

By: guy
by: Guest   

^ lol ok "guy" aka theta

By: Guest
by: Uhhh   

Potentially one of the most superficial responses on this website

By: Uhhh

Ok basically the rankings are based off of how hot/ popular with frats the girls are. If you look up the sororities online (like on their facebook pages) you can see how they all look (since there is an extent to which looks are subjective which explains some of the fights on this website). Also there are a lot more frats than are usually mentioned so popular with frats basically means popular with the popular frats. Theta is generally considered top because of these qualities and tradition. ChiO is seen as slipping because it is not very social (therefore not popular with frats). Kappa is between the two because Kappa is between with these qualities. I know this sounds superficial but that's what the rankings are based off of so really the rankings are superficial.

By: Guest

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