


The thing I'm nervous about for rush is the girls not remembering me. Also, how many girls don't get asked back to the house after round 1. I know we pick 12 out of the 17 sororities we visited but what about the sororities?

Posted By: pnm
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its different for every sorority. some don't make big cuts the first one, some could cut up to half. Girls will most likely remember you after talking to you, since they have to. You may not be memorable, but it is their job to remember you. Don't lie or act different so they do remember you, just make sure to highlight your best qualities and be charming and you should be fine.


the avg number that girls get back after open house is about 6 sororities, some girls get less and some get all 12

By: actually
by: depends   

Honestly it depends on both how your open house went and on how many sororities you're a legacy to or have letters of rec for. I got 11 back after open house but got cut wayyy more after second round because I was a legacy to several houses. From seeing how many my friends got back I'd say expect somewhere around 7 or 8.

By: depends
by: so   

So what's the average amount girls get called back to after the second round? And do most girls still have three for preference or is it a smaller number because of the large first round cuts?

By: so
by: eh   

When I rushed you could get called back to 12. I got called back to all 12 but I had a friend that was only called back to 4. It varies, there really isn't an average.

By: eh
by: .   

After 1st round I'd expect maybe 8, after 2nd, probably 4 or 5, and then I feel like most girls get all 3 for pref though several of my friends and I only got 2

By: .

The best advice I have for being memorable is to have a conversation that's different. I would see a girls name/face and think, "Oh, I had a conversation about ____ with that girl!" And also, try to keep your hair off your name tag and keep it showing. It helps a lot for us to remember it and to see your last name as well, rather than just hearing you say it one time. I sometimes remembered girls last names better than their first just because they were more unique.
Just a few small tips! Don't stress though, seriously. It's our job to remember you.

By: ...

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by: ....   

Extra stress on the hair by the nametag thing! Last year I tried to casually just check their nametags to make sure I remembered their names but their hair would be in their face and I'd have to be awkward and ask them to see it as they left the room.

By: ....

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