
rush week


is going out during rush period not allowed...if so why?

Posted By: pnm
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No it's not allowed, at least for girls. Really it's just to make sure you have your priorities in order and to make sure you're well rested for recruitment. They tell you that if sorority girls see you out during recruitment that reflects badly on you- like you'd risk getting kicked out of rush to go to bars, which means you could be a potential risk to the image/wellbeing of the chapter. To be honest, you're probably not going to want to go out anyway. The process is exhausting and when I went through I pretty much went straight to my dorm every day.

By: .
by: Yep   

Agreed. You're not going to even WANT to go out during rush because of how exhausted you will be. Late nights and early mornings. Emotionally and physically exhausting.

By: Yep

Okay, thank you !!

By: pnm

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You could get kicked out of recruitment if somebody sees you out. Don't risk it


Ditto to everything here, rush is literally exhausting I don't know anyone (even the biggest of partiers) who would even have the energy to go out during rush. You get to bed by like 1 am and then have to wake up at 6 (honestly depends on your schedule though). The point is, you're talking to a bunch of girls non stop all day on 5-6 hours of sleep for 2 weekends straight. Do yourself a favor and stay in.

By: Ugh rush

my friends birthday is the thursday before rush starts and she is rushing also, would it be a bad idea to go out or are we really not supposed to?

By: so
by: idiot   

last time I checked the week before rush week isn't rush week so that should answer your question.

By: idiot

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