
my take on sororities


I'm in a sorority, so by default I am biased. I'm doing this because I was so nervous for rush last year and I thought this could ease the minds of the girls rushing. Here's my take on the "personalities" of every sorority--IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER:

AXO: Top House, mixed group of girls but basically all pretty, love to party, big personalities, not the brightest, pretty good sisterhood
ADPi: Smart girls, people say they are moving up, split group of girls--some really party and get around and others are pretty quiet and booky, great philanthropy
AGD: Notoriously the bottom house (sorry), awkward, some of them party, nice, good sisterhood
AOPi: Friendly, a little awkward, I don't see them around campus a lot wearing their letters tbh
APhi: Top House, always seem made up for class, pretty good sisterhood, parties less than other top houses, pretty
ChiO: nice, religious, a little bit judgmental vibe (to me at least), smart, some party and some don't, good sisterhood
TriDelt: Back on campus after being kicked off, some cool girls and some weird ones, not the best sisterhood since nationals picked their first class, awkward
DG: Top House, people say they are falling (idk if I agree or not), seem a little stuck up, pretty girls, not the brightest, love to party
DZ: Top House, like to party, good sisterhood, tan lol, a little bit on the ratchet side of the top houses, not known for being smart, overall pretty girls

Posted By: my POV
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GPhi: split group but the pledge classes seem close, had problems with their President this last year though, like to party, seem like an "average" Miami sorority
Theta: Top House, associated with being the best house, pretty girls (although I don't necessarily think they're any prettier than the other top 6), smart, classy, rumored to not have a good sisterhood, they do a great rush though, a little stuck up but they still party
KD: Typical sorority girls, very mixed group, I'm always surprised to hear that someone is a KD because they don't fit the personality AT ALL of a different KD I know (does that make sense), most of them party
KKG: Split, their soph/JR class seems more outgoing and party centered but their senior class is more academic and focused on sisterhood, split group of girls even within pledge classes, some more introverted and some wild
Phi Mu: Sweet girls, some are really pretty but most are average, kind of awkward but some are really cool, haven't heard anything about their sisterhood
Pi Phi: Top House, people say they're "basically a frat," because of their dgaf attitude, more west coast vibe, love to party and get a little ratchet, fun girls but not all of them are pretty, I think they pick personality over looks
ZTA: not the friendliest girls, most are average looking but some are pretty, not the best sisterhood from what I have heard, seem nice enough though in class, I don't see them a ton around campus

By: my POV

that's just my view on the sororities, but there are great girls in all of them and as long as you act like yourself during rush you should end up in the right place

By: my POV

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by: PNM   

Thank you so much for posting this. I asked earlier about the differences in the sororities and the only response I've gotten back was from another pnm who basically just insulted me for not doing a ton of research before I was even sure I wanted to rush. Also I think it was a good idea to put them in alphabetical order for obvious reasons lol.

by: another    

i agree with above..thank you for this

By: another

This is great thank you

By: Guest

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