
i'm hearing and thinking to drop theta first round


So I didn't connect all that much with them at Sprite. Plus everyone is telling me that they do massive cuts the first day.Should I just go ahead and mark them off my list and focus on the houses that I connect with and actually have a chance of getting into? Even if they carry me through to the second day, it is sorta a waste of time since they will cut me eventually and I don't even really like them. Any advice on a strategy here would be great. I just want to maximize my chances of getting into a good fit.

Posted By: possible strategy
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ya cut them if you don't like them. it's as easy as that.

By: i mean..

I mean there isn't really strategies to rush... Just cut the ones you don't like. Chances are you'll get one of the ones you cut back anyway if someone drops you.

By: umm

I suggest cutting them the first round if you aren't impressed. The odds are they will cut you too, but you might as well, spend your time and energy on houses you like. I cut them the first round and I'm glad I did, but that' is me. I will never know if they cut me too, and I really don't care. I'm glad I spent my time on sororities that were interested in me.

By: honestly

I'm probably going to cut them first round. They want a very specific girl and I'm not that, nor do I even want to be. I'd rather spend my time in sororitites that might suit me. I will for sure cut them first round.

By: me too
by: ok   

good 4 u!!!!^^

By: ok
by: ^^   

^ hey guys I found the Theta

By: ^^
by: lol   

okay pnm you dont need to announce that to the whole world

By: lol

My strategy: Go through recruitment with an open mind and hope for each and every house. If you don't feel a house is right for you, then cut it. If you feel you may like a house, then don't cut it. Simple as that. Yes rush is competitive and you shouldn't get your hopes set on a single house, but also don't assume you will automatically get cut because chapters WANT to like you! They are looking for the next group of girls to join their sisterhood just as much as PNMs are looking for a sisterhood to join - PNMs tend to forget that. Just be yourself and trust the process and you'll end up where you're supposed to.

By: Theta

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by: @Theta   

You say that (what you said above), and then you go and cut a bunch of girls the first or second day when you no NOTHING about them- I've heard this from tons of people. Why should girls keep you around just so you can drop them?

By: @Theta
by: miami   

^wtf she was actually nice. theta isn't the only chapter that makes huge cuts first round, kappa Pi phi alpha phi axo and DG all do too. There are so many girls rushing that they have to

By: miami
by: agreeing   

agreeing with "miami". As a member of a top 6 sorority, we usually just weed out the girls we know for sure wouldn't fit in during the first round. At that point the pnm has to be honest with themselves: would they actually be happy in a house that didn't want them?

By: agreeing
by: ^   

honestly, it seems like the big 6 houses tell everyone that they have a chance so those girls won't cut them and then the houses cut the girls. i actually agree with having a strategy of cutting theta the first round, and save yourself the heartache. There are a lot of other good sororities that are more open minded towards rushees/pnms. It works both ways.

By: ^

I love how everyone tells PNMs "Have an Open Mind." But why don't they tell the sororities to "Have an Open Mind." Theta drops a bunch of people the first day, and they know NOTHING about them besides a few statistics and what the girl looks like.Sure doesn't seem very open minded. The odds are they probably will drop you the first day - that is just statistics. I know we are in a generation in which everyone believes they are so special it won't happen to them, but it probably will. I think anyone who drops them right off the bat is savvy, realistic and smart. Spend your time and energy on something other than snob appeal.

By: Amen
by: having an open mind   

The problem is that there are just way too many PNMs to know them all super, super well the first round. It's inevitable that large amounts of girls will be cut for "seemingly no reason."

Often enough, there's nothing "wrong" with the girls who get cut after the first round; it's just that there are other girls that the sorority sees higher potential in. It's not fair, it's recruitment.

To OP: I cut Theta my first round, too, and I was glad I did because it opened more doors for me at other sororities that I liked better. I also dropped Pi Phi, but because I had a gap in my schedule, I still got called back to them...so just because you "cut" Theta doesn't mean that you won't go back there the next day anyway (if they really, really want you).

By: having an open mind

I'm pretty sure Theta does their MASSIVE cut the second day. I cut them the first day, cause I didn't want to go to them the second day and miss out on another good house. That was my strategy and it worked for me, as that I got one of the top six sororities that I feel is better than Theta anyway. Had I not cut Theta the first day, I'm not sure if I would've gotten my house, cause I may have wasted time the second day at Theta only to get cut by them. I'm glad with my discussion, but you have to do what feels right for you.

By: actually
by: .   

It's definitely within the first two rounds that the "top" sororities make their big cuts. I was a legacy to Theta and got cut after the second round. Panhellenic has different requirements for how many PNMs each sorority can cut based on how many girls wanted them the year before. So because Theta and Pi Phi typically don't have a lot of girls that cut them, they are able to drop more girls because they know they'll have a high retention rate. That's why their later rounds have less girls than, say, AGD.

By: .
by: ^   

I believe that Theta has their entire pledge class picked out before recruitment even begins (I'm not a Theta so I don't know), but I do believe that if you are going to be a Theta, you probably already know it. So honestly, I don't think anything you say or do during recruitment is going to make a difference. If you aren't aren't already really tight with a bunch of Thetas, I feel it is best to let them go, and spend your time another place - Just my opinion of course. Best wishes to everyone during recruitment.

By: ^

Theta isn't that big of a deal. There are a lot of good sororities. RELAX!!!!!!!!!

By: seriously?

What do you mean they already have their class picked out? Stop trying to scare these girls. You sound ridiculous

By: What
by: ^   

I believe they have their pledge class picked out way before rush starts. Most people believe this.

By: ^
by: uh   

no they don't. shut up. They may have a few girls in mind that they would like to have join their chapter but they can't already know everyone..

By: uh

the fact of the matter is that we can tell who you'll fit in with best and you could be an awesome girl but sorority xyz feels like you would be a perfect abc and sometimes cuts are as simple as that. the first round especially, you have to make big cuts because after a certain number on the list, there is just no point in trying to discuss a million girls so they try to keep voting strictly yes or no.

By: believe it

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