
pi phi


is pi phi really as uninvolved as people say? I loved them during sprite but I keep hearing they don't do much else

Posted By: Pnm
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uninvolved? pi phi is not uninvolved! these rumors are ridiculous, and if that is the best someone can come up with , than I wouldn't hesitate to join them. they are a good sorority, if you like them and can get in then go for it. they are plently involved and involved is overrated anyway.

By: ?

They hardly showed up to any greek week events amongst other things that the greek community does besides parties...They are uninvolved compared to other sororities.

By: ...

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Yeah they're not really into greek week events and stuff like that. They're poth routine usually is minimal effort. But I'm sure they're involved in their own way

By: Yeah

What do they need to do for you to be satisfied? Jesus

By: ?
by: pnm   

Lol I'm just not interested in joining a sorority to only party

By: pnm
by: hahaha   

It's funny that you actually think you'll have a say in where you end up, especially with the top tier sororities like Pi Phi. You'll probably get cut first round with that kind of attitude, in any top sorority.

By: hahaha
by: exactly^^^^   

person directly above me is spot on. girls come on here being like "I wanna be in Theta, Pi Phi, or DG. no. It doesn't work that way. There is a tiny percentage of girls who get the sorority they planned on getting going into rush.

By: exactly^^^^

Well, I would say that they're no more or less involved than pretty much any other sorority on campus. I know a ton of Pi Phi's that have leadership positions in various clubs and I've seen them at some community events that I've also volunteered at. Some sororities really do stand out in terms of involvement, like DZ and ADPi, but outside of that, most sororities are pretty similar in that aspect. I think Pi Phi just gets a bad rep with it because of their past party reputation. They really are sweet girls.

By: who

Reality is your probably won't get into Pi Phi, so don't worry about it.

By: whatever

the rudeness was unecessary but thanks anyway :-)

By: pnm
by: @pnm    

actually it isn't rudeness, it is reality . You won't get into Pi Phi or any of the top 6. That is reality. Deal with it.

By: @pnm
by: @@pnm   

It is rudeness. She has a 36% chance of being in a top 6 sorority so you cannot say that her being dropped by all of them is reality. It's a possibility. It may be her reality, but that has yet to be determined. And yes I did do the math and I was only figuring with each of the top 6 recruiting 59. Some had 60 or 61 bids.

By: @@pnm

yeah there's some girls in pi phi that care and are involved but for the most part overall as a sorority they don't. but theyre chill/cool and guys love them so it just depends what you're looking for...

By: ok

Pi Phi is a top house here. You have your nerve talking like you chose them. They choose you, and in most cases they don't.

By: look
by: wow   

get off your high horse pi phi you're not that great

By: wow

Calm tf down. No one said they "chose" anything

By: wtf

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