
dear freshman girls

by: jw

I'm curious as to what houses most freshman girls are looking to rush? Like what are your top 3 as of right now?

Posted By: jw
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Page 3 of 4
#21  by: Favorites    

I loved Zeta and Alpha Phi!

By: Favorites
#22  by: pnm   

I only went to the first sprite date. That being said I really liked ADPi and AOPi. I know they're not "top tier", but I thought they were really sweet and friendly. I also liked Kappa, but I only talked to one girl while I was there so I don't know how good of a judge the sprite date was. Tri delt kind of made me self conscious, but that could just be because it was the first house I went to and the girls may actually be socially awkward as has been mentioned on here a few times.

By: pnm
#23  by: Guest   

AXO Kappa and DZ

By: Guest
#24  by: Definitely    

Theta, Alpha Phi, Zeta were no doubt the best! I loved all 3, can't wait to see them during rush

By: Definitely
#25  by: mine   

AXO, Kappa, DZ, and Pi Phi

By: mine
#26  by: ..   

I really liked Theta and Kappa during the sprite dates!

By: ..
#27  by: my picks   

So far my number one is Kappa followed by Theta and then Zeta!! Hoping I get them during rush!

By: my picks
by: don't worryJan 9, 2015 5:53:40 AM

You won't

By: don't worry
#28  by: love   

kappa theta and kd

By: love
#29  by: oh my god   

Oh my God Kappa could you be anymore obvious? You are listed on literally every response. Please stop, nobody goes into rush wanting to be a Kappa, and your excessive posting on Greek rank won't change that.

By: oh my god
by: HahahaJan 9, 2015 1:36:59 PM

^ okay kappa, at least try to hide it

By: Hahaha
by: umJan 9, 2015 2:10:54 PM

I'm a pnm who commented earlier and i liked kappa enough to mention it in my top 3. Some of these could be self rank, but some of them are not.

By: um
by: yupJan 9, 2015 4:10:58 PM

agreed. and i was the one to write that message that someone said "okay kappa at least try to hide it" to. i'll keep that in mind when going through rush. jealous chapters

By: yup
by: lolJan 9, 2015 4:23:37 PM

Kappa, you're embarrassing yourself. Nobody is jealous of you. Just stop.

By: lol
by: okayJan 11, 2015 11:55:58 PM

lol none of the kappas i know would waste their time self ranking on greek rank

By: okay
#30  by: pnm   

i like aphi, zeta, kappa, & tridelt

i know tridelt is not top tier but they are strong nationally & i have friends at other schools who are tridelt

By: pnm
by: noJan 10, 2015 12:21:33 AM

it's a really stupid reason to join a sorority just because your friends at OTHER SCHOOLS are in it. Like are you going to do the secret handshake with them?? lol

By: no
by: stopJan 11, 2015 2:22:04 PM

thats not a bad reason. a lot of time people hear good things about sororities from friends at other schools. They could like the philanthropy or other things

By: stop
by: shut upJan 11, 2015 7:07:12 PM

@stop every chapter is different so no. you're wrong.

By: shut up
by: wellJan 11, 2015 8:19:50 PM

I don't think it's the worst thing in the world to consider a sorority's national reputation when rushing...when you join a sorority, you join the entire organization, not just the chapter at Miami. Every collegiate chapter is different, yes, but they all share the same core values.

That being said, I sincerely hope you're not basing your decision on where your friends are going, either at different schools or at Miami. It's your choice and you'll have to live with it.

By: well

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