
dear freshman girls


I'm curious as to what houses most freshman girls are looking to rush? Like what are your top 3 as of right now?

Posted By: jw
Page 1 of 4

I don't really have a top three, but based on sprite dates, girls I know, etc., I liked AXO, Phi Mu, Kappa, Tri Delt, ADPi. Did not have the best impression from Gphi, KD, or DG. Going in with an open mind though because I know my impressions could change!

By: open minded
by: ya   

I heard at DG's sprite date all the girls acted like they didn't care and seemed like they wanted to leave

By: ya

I like kappa, axo, and dz but am also going in open minded

By: So far
by: go greek   

those are all my favs too ugh <3

By: go greek

At the moment I really like Theta, DZ and Pi Phi. I really do have an open mind though. They all seem good. I keep hearing that Tri Delt is moving up and that DG is moving down, so I will take that into consideration.Kappa seems pretty good too.

By: my pics
by: Me too    

I like all of these too and alpha phi even though they're getting a lot of hate. I really had fun at their sprite date

By: Me too

I really liked Kappa, Theta, and KD. All seem fairly similar in terms of the kinds of girls they recruit (classy, smart, fun, pretty) and they seem to have the same priorities which I like. Wasn't a fan of DG, Gamma Phi, or ADPi from the sprite dates.

By: Rush
by: Yip   

Exact same. GPhi was soooo awkward

By: Yip

based on people I know from home and that I've met, probably pi phi, gamma phi, and axo. there are different things i like about each sorority so far

By: aaa

Really liked Kappa, Phi Mu, DZ, ADPi, and KD. Really didn't get good impressions from Tri Delt, Gamma Phi, Chi O, and DG.

By: 7

I liked dz axo theta and dg... along with everyone else lol

By: yeah

I love love love DZ, Kappa and Theta. But I would be honored to be in any sorority.

By: can't wait

All the sororities are wonderful. My faves so far =
Phi Mu, Kappa, Theta, DZ, KD and AXO.
Those ones just really stood out to me. But they are all good.

By: <3

Honestly, I know they are all good, but If I'm going to spend my time and money, I want a sorority that I like.
Right now I want:
Kappa, Theta, KD, DZ, or AXO.....I really felt a connection with those sororities. The rest were great, but didn't speak to me.

By: I've decided

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