
boyfriends and rush


If I'm rushing and I have a boyfriend who is not, will it be hard to bring him to events and whatnot?

Posted By: Goinggreek
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No fraternity wants a random guy drinking their booze at a social

By: Yes

If you're a girl with a boyfriend you obviously can't bring him to rush events because that's PNMs and actives only, but you can bring him to date parties and formals and stuff. Any event that's not sorority-only is open to bring dates to, whether they're in a fraternity or not.

By: .
by: well   

other than socials, and Sorority only activities he is more than welcome, date parties, formal, stuff like that.

By: well

youll probably dump him after you join a fraternity anyways.

By: truth

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Any event hosted by your sorority you can obviously bring him too and some "open" fraternity hosted events he'll be welcome at. However if he's not rushing I'm assuming he won't want to go to frat parties where he wont have many (see any) guy friends which is where all your new sisters will be coming every time you go out leaving you to choose between going out with them and going to the super sick dorm parties he'll be attending while living on campus as a sophomore

By: yeah

There are plenty of girls in Greek life who date non-Greek guys. Literally is not a problem AT ALL. Jeez guys, there are plenty of girls in my sorority with boyfriends that go to other schools and are geeds, they're plenty happy and we're always glad to have them at date parties and formals. OP: you can't bring your boyfriend to a social ("mixer") with a fraternity because you can't bring any guy to another fraternity's house/rented out bar - it's either just rude or actually against the rules. That said, you're not actually moving to Greece - we're all on the same campus, you'll be fine.

By: stop

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