
rankings pre rush, predictions


Current standings
In order in tiers as well

Top: Theta, Pi Phi, DG, APhi, AXO, Dz
Middle: ZTA, Kappa, KD, GPhi, PhiMu, ADPi
Bottom: Chi O, Tri Delt, AOPi, AGD

AFTER RUSH 2015 (if current moving trends continue)
Ordered in tiers as well

Top: Theta, Pi Phi, APhi, AXO, DG, DZ
Middle: Kappa, ZTA, KD, Phi Mu, GPhi, ADPi
Bottom: Tri Delt, Chi O, AOPi, AGD

Posted By: Fact
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pretty accurate, but i doubt DG will fall below AXO

By: accurate

I think DG will fall behind GPhi.They are already behind KD. Very middle,

By: honestly
by: No   

DG is falling but NO WAY are they that low. The lowest I would put them would be on par with ZTA, but I think they're closer to DZ or AXO still

By: No
by: ^   

DG is way below ZTA

By: ^
by: ^   

DG is way below ZTA

By: ^
by: /   

DG seems to have just peace out of the excellence game. they are a chiller group of girls than they used to be, but the are sloppier too. I like them better now, but they aren't high quality at all.

By: /

I don't think Alpha Phi will be that high.

By: but
by: Yeah   

They're already top 4, them and Pi Phi are the only top tiers that have consistently been killing rush the last couple years. If we're going based on looks & socially, they'll definitely be top 3 after this year's rush.

By: Yeah
by: ^   

No they won't. Alpha Phi isn't that good. Just cause they live on this website doesn't make them good. They are barely as good as Kappa.

By: ^

this is pretty accurate

By: mhmmm

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Honestly, I am a theta with a lot of good friends in DG and I don't get why everyone says they're falling so much? They have a very large amount of very pretty, social girls.

By: I'm confused

This is at least close to accurate. With all the people trolling pretending their sorority is the best, this is one of the only good rankings

By: Finally

Oh look someone with a brain made a decent ranking!!!

By: Interesting
by: Excuse me?    

You are making DZ look lower than phi mu when DZ is barely hanging on by thread.

By: Excuse me?
by: What?   

Wait what? I don't get that comment

By: What?

Stop posing as a DZ to make DZ look bad. Everyone knows that DZ always has been and always will be hanging onto the top tier by a thread.

By: DZ

This is the only real rankings on this site

By: Thank you

This is the accurate standings of sororities at Miami

By: Yup

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