
can a transfer 3rd year student get a sorority bid


I transferred from a community college in another state. So I'm a 20 year old junior. I will be in college a total of five years, so it is sort of like I'm a sophomore. I really want to rush, but I'm getting mixed signals. Any advice?

Posted By: sorority rush
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Thanks for the information.Can tell you all want me to join.

By: okay
by: stop   

Chill out girl, I already answered your question in another post.

By: stop
by: wow   

With that attitude, please don't even consider going through recruitment.

By: wow

You probably won't like the answer I'm going to give you, but I feel like it is going to be really really hard to rush in your position. Lots of sororities have an "upperclassman quota" (normally one or two). That spot tends to go to girls who have never rushed before at miami and transferred (that's why girls who re-rush as sophomores have such a hard time here). It is a HUGE boost to sophomores rushing if they are willing to live in the sorority dorms-- just saying.

However, as a junior, even though you are functionally a sophomore, it will be really hard for most sororities to rationalize giving you a bid. Not because there is anything wrong with you (seriously please try to understand this, i'm just trying to make sure you know what you're in for and what the thought process is going to be from most sororities) but because the likelihood of you staying active in your sorority is statistically tiny.

your pledge class would be a group of 18 year old girls who act like 18 year old girls. You might get along with them, you might like them, but next year you will be off campus and they will be doing the majority of their bonding living in the sorority dorm together. It's hard to be a sophomore pledge, being a junior pledge would be insanely difficult. Not to say you can't, but it will be really hard. I would recommend talking to one of the sororities that does COB, because they're more likely to accept Juniors.

By: okay

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^^ i am the person who posted all of that information, and although OP posted as "Okay" as well, just wanted to clarify that.

To follow up:
Are you kidding me??
People do not instantly respond on greekrank, if you looked at any other posts you would know that.
I tried to be nice but it is obvious you have an attitude.
It's stuff like that that makes sororities NOT bid older girls, because they tend to be more willing to talk back to the girls who are actives, because they feel like they're too old to put up with all of the stupid pledge activities.

Sorry i tried to be helpful i guess????

By: okay
by: ^   

what kind of pledge actives? hope it isn't hazing. nobody should put up with that, regardless of their age.

By: ^
by: haha   

no it's not hazing! but you do have a lot of mandatory meetings where you have to learn about the sorority, and you have stuff like BITI and POTH where you have to go to activities.

By: haha
by: haha   

like with POTH you have dance practice pretty much like every night, and the mandatory meetings are once or twice a week.

By: haha

I agree that OP was rude, but I feel that our school's Greek system should be a little more open to Juniors. In particular transfer students.We could up our membership significantly if we encouraged them to join. I agree that they might change the dynamic a bit, but it may be for the better.

By: $
by: Ya   

I know what you mean, but at the same time it's rare for ANY schools to take juniors.

By: Ya
by: ^   

out west they tend to take juniors at the state school level. I know in California a lot of the state schools do it because they have so many people who go to community colleges.

By: ^

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