
fear tie


Phi psi, phi tau, sae
Sig pi, theta chi
Ka, Fiji, phi delt
Sig ep, dtd, kappa sig
Sig nu, pike, adphi
Du, tke
Everyone else

Posted By: Hiccup
Page 1 of 1

Dude tau and sae are done. Move sig pi KA theta chi up. Sig ep up. Snu up 2. Tke up. Delt down

By: Lol na

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phi psi sig pi theta chi ka
Phi tau sae
Fiji sig ep Phi delt
Sig nu dtd kappa sig
Adphi pike tke
Dke du

By: Skii

I agree with these. These are definitely the most up to date rankings, especially based on how THIS year is going. FInally someone not living in the past

By: Yesss
by: Guest   

I love how sarcastic this is haha. But yeah you're right. This post is so in the past. Tau and SAE both need to be moved and Sigpi, theta chi, and KA need to be moved up. Id also switch delt and Snu and move sigep above phi delt.

By: Guest
by: Haha no   

I actually wasn't trying to be sarcastic haha. I think these are up to date

By: Haha no

Obviously a loser delt post. Snu and KA way too low. Tau and sae way too high along with dtd.

By: No
by: Honestly.    

Dtd is probably too high and Ka is definitely too low, but sig nu honestly isn't that cool. I would rather hang out with people who shower.

By: Honestly.

You guys need to calm down

By: Dtd

written by a has-been tau/sae/phipsi.

these rankings are no where near accurate.

By: Clearly

It's hilarious how insecure some of you guys are. You sound like girls hahaha.

By: Lol

Phi psi, sae, phi tau, sig Pi, theta chi
Ka, Fiji, phi delt
Sig ep, kappa sig, sig nu, beta
dtd, kappa sig, Sig nu, pike, tke,
adphi, Du, delta chi
Everyone else
Reply to Topic

By: Except
by: OxMox   

Agreed w/ lets be real... although i'd add phi psi to the list of losing ground quickly.

By: OxMox
by: @Let's Be Real   

Phi Delt is in no way top tier. I wouldn't even put Sig Ep or FIJI in that group either, but they are better than Phi Delt. Those two are getting closer but still are not quite on the same level as the Big 6 fraternities (even Phi Tau and SAE)

By: @Let's Be Real

The real top tier is and will always be phi psi, Sig pi, ka, theta chi, Phi tau, and SAE. Fiji, Phi delt, and sigep just won't ever get as much respect as those 6.

By: stop
by: ^   

This guy really cares lol!

By: ^
by: Guest   

That's such a sad comment. I'm sure it's disappointing to watch your fraternity tank but id rather go to a Fiji, sigep, or phi delt party before a tau or SAE one anyday. I'm a girl in a top tier sorority and there are maybe 4 girls in my pledge class that ever go to tau or SAE parties. You guys are irrelevant, not to mention rude guys that aren't even hot anymore. Get over it. Your frats were hands downs the best on campus years ago. But that was YEARS ago.

By: Guest
by: HAHAHHA   

girl above me is so clearly an alpha phi. Honey, DG theta and pi phi all would rather die than be seen at a sig ep or fiji party...

by: LOL goodbye SAE & Tau   

I just died at your comment. Theta's sophomores are stuck so far up SigEp's sophomores ass and are practically obsessed with them it's almost embarassing, and literally every girl I've seen at a Fiji date party is a theta. Do you even go to this school? The ONLY sororities that still hangout with phi tau and SAE are DG and Pi Phi, and DG is falling faster than any sorority here. But at least they've got pi phi going for them. I'm just telling the truth. And the only reason they still hang with them is cause of their older girls and older guys...

I'm not claiming that Fiji and sigep are the two best fraternities here at all but I am saying that tau and SAE are a joke these days. And even with DG and pi phi, you can clearly see them gravitating towards SigPi and Theta Chi and Phi Psi with their younger classes.

By: LOL goodbye SAE & Tau

1. Sig Pi / Phi Psi
2. Theta Chi /KA, SAE / Phi Tau
3. Phi Delt / Fiji

By: The top tiers
by: Guest   

Yeah okay, Sig pi.

By: Guest
by: eh   

Putting Sig Pi #1 is pretty bold and might be a self rank but I am hearing more and more people say they are top house. don't know many of them but they throw down as hard as anyone and are generally good, fun guys.

By: eh
by: Guest   

I agree with the person above that Sig Pi is a top house, but to say they are exclusively up there with phi psi is a bit of a stretch. At this point in the game I would say Sig Pi, Phi Psi, Theta Chi, and KA are all pretty even depending on who you ask. They are each unique in there own way though.

I also think SAE and Phi Tau are there too, but a lot of people will disagree about them with their recently lousy pledge classes and trouble.

I think Fiji is much better than Phi Delt and I would also put Sig Ep ahead of them too

1A. Phi Psi, KA, Sig Pi, Theta
1B. SAE, Phi Tau
2A. Fiji, Sig Ep
2B. Phi Delt

By: Guest
by: Agreed    

Yeah out of all the rankings so far the one above is definitely the most accurate one

By: Agreed

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