
what fraternities are considered relevant?

by: Frosh

By relevant I mean the ones that Big 6 sororities or even middle ones with cute girls mix with. Also include ones that are respected in at least some way by the majority of the greek community, even if they are not top now but are on the rise. Are there any that most people have no respect for? Not basing where I will rush on this, but just interested. Also, please don't include kicked off fraternities. We all see what dirty rushing gets you (a bag of bagels).

Posted By: Frosh
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#1  by: Hodge   

In no order - Sig Pi, KA, Phi Psi, SigEp, Phi Delt, Theta Chi, FIJI, SigNu are all the upper end of relevant. The lower tier of relevant are like Pike, Pi Kapp, ADPhi, Delt, TKE, DKE, Delta Chi, DU, Lambda Chi, maybe even Delta Sig now that they have a house. Irrelevant are the AEPi, Chi Psi, ZBT, Sammy, Alpha Sig...Acacia.

By: Hodge
by: lolSep 9, 2014 10:31:45 PM

Pi kapp, dke, delta chi, DU, and lambda are not relevant period

By: lol
by: AgreedSep 9, 2014 10:36:38 PM

Pi kapp DKE du DX and lambda are all apart of that irrelevant group

By: Agreed
by: yepSep 13, 2014 2:00:03 PM

this guy nailed it

By: yep

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