
real ranks


Ranks are based off who you hang out with:

TIER 1: Theta, Pi Phi, DG/ KA, Phi Tau, Phi Psi
APhi, AXO, DZ/ Theta Chi, Sig Pi, Fiji, SAE

TIER 2: Zeta, Kappa/ phi delt, sig ep, SNU ksig
KD, GPhi,Phi Mu/ delt, adphi, beta

TIER 3: ChiO, ADPi/ pi kapp,du, whoever I forgot
Tridelt, AOPi

These are the three tiers. Within each tier are two different levels where you normally hangout with the girls in your level but are capable of doing stuff with everyone in your tier... If that makes sense. I think it's the best way to describe our greeksystem

Posted By: Jonno
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If this is based on who you hang out with most often, then this is horrible. AXO should be on the top row, switch SigPi and KA, drop Fiji down to tier 2,and SAE to the top row.

By: So bad
by: No    

Idk what school you're at, but this is based off the end of last semester. Stop livin in the past

By: No
by: last semseter   

AXO- Theta Chi, SAE
Theta- Sig Pi, KA
Pi Phi- Phi Psi, Phi Tau
Aphi- KA, Sig Pi
DG- Phi Psi, Phi Tau, SAE
DZ- Phi Delt

I don't see how the original poster was wrong in rankings. This accurate from last semester

By: last semseter
by: YES   

Finally someone who sees it how it is!


This is inaccurate because there are half the sororities that there are fraternities.

By: Ehh
by: No    

Learn to count. It's a difference of two between fraternity's and sororities hahahahaha

By: No

I can actually agree with this. Instead of trying to make 4 or 5 tiers lump them into three. I'd say this is fairly accurate

By: Ok

Thank you for only doing 3 tiers! Everyone else who has 5+ tiers needs to simplify it a bit

By: OxMox

this is the reason that alpha phi is struggling to move above axo. They don't party with as good of frats as axo and don't rage nearly as hard. They're boring.

By: this
by: this   

also… although alpha phi may be better looking, guys would rather rage with an axo than alpha phis

By: this
by: Guest   

LOL AXO stop trying so hard it's embarassing. I'm not even a huge fan of alpha phi but ya just look dumb

By: Guest

Most accurate rankings out there

By: True

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