
middle tiers


Will any middle tier fraternities or sororities break top tier soon?
Potential fraternities: Delt, adphi, pike, tke, du

Potential sororities: kappa, zeta, kd

Who's on the rise or fall here?

Posted By: Forgotten
Page 1 of 1

I think zeta and pike would be the tops of those, and then kappa and delt would be my next guess

By: Guest

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Agreed all 4 are getting better, pike and zeta are making great moves. Delt and kappa are as well

By: ^

Calm down Delt

By: ^
by: ha   

I'm a girl but nice try

By: ha

Looks like you meant to say 'which bottom tiers are looking to break into middle tier' . This would seem to be more accurate.

By: Connor
by: ^   

Looks like what you meant to say is: "I peaked in high school and I acknowledge the fact that I am just as catty as any Miami (or high school) girl in regards to social hierarchy. I try way too hard and care way too much about what other people think of me." This would seem to be more accurate.

By: ^
by: wait   

^You're the one posting on greekrank buddy

By: wait

But trolling is so much different than actually caring!

By: Nah

None will be top tier... Delt is ahead in that group and zeta/kappa in the girl group. They hang out with eachother so that's just how it works at Miami. Pikes best sorority is kd so that's as far as they get and no one knows adphi..

By: Brian

Why does everyone keep saying no one knows adphi? Everyone I know knows them... Must be bitter boys trying to talk them down?

By: Huh
by: ..   

Well maybe bc no one actually knows them hahahah

By: ..

This topic is like winning in the special olympics.

Honestly none of these houses are even considered middle tier by anyone that is not in them. These houses are all lower to bottom tier

The middle tier is like Sig Ep, Phi Delt, Kappa Sig, Sig Nu, and Beta.

I think Sig ep and Phi Delt are doing the best from this category and could arguably be moved to the same level as FIJI.

I know you are all saying Beta shouldnt be on here because they are booted, but if they have as much money in their slush fund as I have heard they do, they should be able to stay in the picture for another year by just throwing parties at their annexes

Out of the houses you listed, I would say ADPhi has the best shot of rising just because of their long history at Miami and because they were once the top house decades ago.

By: Guest
by: Same person   

You were right with the sororities however choosing ZTA, KKG, and KD. Out of those, I'd say ZTA has the best shot of moving upward and have neen on a very positive trend over the past few years while Kappa has remained consistantly average. ZTA still has years of work to do before it is on the same level as the big 6 sororities.

By: Same person
by: Nope   

This post is so off hah. Do u even go to mismi

By: Nope
by: @Nope   

Top- Phi Psi, Phi Tau, SAE, KA, Sig Pi, Theta Chi
Upper- FIJI, Sig Ep, Phi Delt
Middle- Kappa Sig, Sig Nu, Beta
Lower- Alpha Delt, DX, Pike, Delt, DKE, TKE, DU
Bottom- Pi Kapp, Chi Psi, Lamda, DSig

Some of the bottom two rows are probably interchangable, but its doesnt matter at that point

By: @Nope
by: Yeah   

Pike is definitely better than Delt and ADPhi; most like Kappa Sig and Sig Nu

By: Yeah
by: Pike   

Pike is definitely better than no one hahaha. You guys blow get outta here. Delt and adphi are miles ahead of you guys and they both aren't that great either.

By: Pike
by: Lol   

Only ADPhi's call themselves Alpha Delt

By: Lol
by: ^   

How much hatered do you have towards adphi that you see "alpha delt" and immediately assume one wrote it?

The one calling them alpha delts basically called them lower tier losers. How stupid can you be? Try reading sometime, pal.

By: ^
by: Regardless    

Either way pike blows

By: Regardless

spot on with the sororities. i could see any of the three breaking top tier soon.

By: sororities
by: Um   

Um no. None of these sororities are on the same level as the big 6 at all and won't be for another few years at the minimum, assuming they do well in rush. Zeta has the best chance of breaking the top, but kappa and kd are too average. Kappa takes too many weird religious girls to ever break the top tier and for any of them to break the top tier in the first place, one of the big six would need to fall. At this point it could see that being axo or dz but none of these middle tier sororities will over take them any time soon.

By: Um

Go pike

By: ,

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