
incoming freshmen


I'm an incoming freshmen and wanted to know how many sororities do you go to on pref night and what the rules are as far as talking to people in between rounds and what is/isn't allowed

Posted By: um
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If you get invited back to that many, you go to three sororities for pref round. The max amount to can go to each round are 12 for sisterhood, 7 for philanthropy, and 3 for pref. Most girls go to less for sisterhood and philanthropy but I'd say a pretty good amount go to 3 for pref.

In between rounds, I'd say it's ok to talk to girls you know in sororities as long as it isn't about recruitment, and try to make the conversations short. The last thing you want is to get in trouble/get the sororities in trouble. If you see a girl you talked to during a round then it's fine to say hi and ask how she's doing but I'd recommend not talking beyond that. You'll have plenty of time to talk to sorority girls on bid day!

By: truth

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