


Can somebody please tell me who the real top 3 sororities are and why? And what sets them apart from the next 3 in the top 6? I keep seeing a lot of different rankings on here but I want to know who you think is the real top 3 and what sets them apart from everyone else. Most girls in my orientation group said that wanted to be a Theta, Pi Phi, or DG, but I keep seeing stuff about APhi and AXO on here too. Is it just them self ranking or are they really that high up? Who is the real top 3 and why?

Posted By: frosh
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I'm not going to respond with a ranking, but the girls in your orientation group have no clue about sorority life yet. Recruitment is not until second semester and there is plenty of time to learn about the sorority dynamic at Miami over fall semester. All of the "top" sororities have completely unique personalities, and this is why there is not a definitive ranking. Someone that likes one sorority might hate another that's of a higher ranking. It's all about how you mesh with the other people in the group.

The girls that claim they want to be in those 3 sororities now have a VERY limited view of those organizations at Miami. Whether they just know girls in those sororities or have just decided to "rush XYZ sorority because it was number 1 on GreekRank," there is a whole lot more to sorority life. It's a group of 100-something girls and every group has a unique experience. That's why recruitment exists, and membership selection is a MUTUAL process in which the sororities ultimately must feel that you fit in their sisterhood. Joining a top sorority does not mean you will enjoy yourself, and joining a less popular sorority can be a great fulfilling experience and vice versa.

Yes, there are rankings and yes there are sororities with higher social status, but if that is the sole reason you want to be in a sorority, you will be disappointed. You would be blessed to be able to join any of these wonderful organizations on our campus and nationally.

By: ///

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by: yes   

i can personally attest to the "joining a top sorority does not mean you will enjoy yourself" and "if that is the sole reason you want to be in a sorority, you will be disappointed"

By: yes
by: Agreed   

This is VERY true. I'm so sick of hearing freshman girls saying that they're rushing for a top sorority when they actually don't know anything about Greek Life here

By: Agreed
by: uh   

Why wouldn't you aim for the best while rushing?

By: uh
by: yes!   

this is the best post on this website

By: yes!
by: Wow   

This is the realest post on this site.

By: Wow

those are definitely the top 5 sororities, but you should consider them all. they're all very different in personality and you'll find your fit during rush, social ranking has very little to do with the personality and type you should rush

By: yes
by: Um no   

DG is far from the top

By: Um no

It really all depends on the person you are. Yeah the top sororities might have a lot of really beautiful girls but for all you know they might not, for instance, have a humorous bone in their body. I'm not trying to bash on the top sororities- I have friends in them and they're really cool people- but what you want to look for is girls that are LIKE you and that you think you will have a good time with for the next three and a half years, not girls that you think will turn you into the most popular person on campus. If that's a top sorority, then great! But don't discount the other 10+ sororities on campus.

By: yeah

The top three are definitely theta, dg and pi phi. But I think what everyone's trying to say is that you should go into rush with an open mind and not try to pick sororities just because they're "top." for example, a girl probably wouldn't have both theta and pi phi in their top three simply because the personalities are so different in each one.

By: basically
by: Get a life DG   

You are not and have never been a top house on campus

By: Get a life DG
by: Lame   

You are bottom middle if that.
Get comfortable with it and move on.
Your self ranking makes you look pathetic

By: Lame

stop self ranking DG. You are NOT in the top three!!!

By: omg

DZ is a top house was founded at this campus and will always be top. Many other house can come and go.

By: Alpha chapter
by: no   

there are plenty of sucky alpha chapters out there. sit down

By: no

Theta, DG, and Pi Phi the best. Theta an DG have a long history of being the best at Miami and are very traditional sororities. Pi Phi has risen fast since their whole formal debacle and have emerged as a top sorority with hot girls who like to party. When the rising seniors were freshman AXO was neck and neck with Theta for number one but they have really dropped the ball in years since.

That being said my personal favorites are Theta, APhi, and AXO. I choose those 3 because of well, you know.

By: Guy here
by: ^^^^   

DG is not very good. Just stop it.

By: ^^^^
by: uh   

In regards to your last comment, I actually don't know. Why?

By: uh

I heard DG was good and my aunt was a DG at another school so I was all geared up to join. Then I got here and they were the most meh group ever - bland, boring, not cute, not interesting AT ALL. I joined another top tier sorority, and I'm so glad I did. Now that I go here I see they really are overrated - nothing special. Top houses for real are PiPHi, Theta, DZ, AXO and Alpha Phi.

By: happy
by: yep   

I agree-DG is typically included in the top 3 but theyre not nearly as fun or hot as theta, pi phi, axo, aphi or even DZ

By: yep
by: lol   

Please tell me that DG didn't have the hottest pledge class this year and why....

By: lol

you're not even on campus yet. rush is second semester. if you've got it, one of the top 6 will want you. if not, then not. it's alot more about the sorority choosing you, than you choosing the sorority. if they like you, it'll probably be mutual. if they dont, find a new one you like and fit in with. who cares? why your orientation group has prechoosen sororities, i dont know. odds are not all will fit in with what they think. first semester freshman year is a wake up call. go with the sorority who makes you happy. forget the tiers.

By: um

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