


THETA, AXO, APHI - have great reputations on campus. Known for being pretty and classy party girls with money, mix with good fraternities. These are NOT girl's girls, and can be mean and high maintenance.
DZ, ZTA- great chapters, well respected, and actually nice girls. The girls that end up here probably would have rather been in the top three, but honestly, these will give you a better sisterhood experience.

KAPPA, DG, - top of the mids, but DG is probably the least-liked sorority on campus, closely followed by Kappa. Every girl I know in one of these is miserable.
KD - recruits for a type, and you either are that girl or you aren't. Good grades but I never hear anything about them.
GPHI, PHIMU - seems to be forgotten about often. These girls are fun but definitely respect themselves and don’t have a bad reputation on campus.

CHIO, ADPI, TRIDELT, AOII - mix of girls who don’t seem to fit the sorority girl vibe and then some truly beautiful girls. Very involved on campus, great sisterhoods.
AXID -will take girls with "issues" and lower grades, so getting new members is not a problem for them. Individually the girls in Fuzzie are great, but as a group they are a mess and have a certain reputation.
PHISIG - not good at recruitment and I have heard there is a lot of drama, but they are very sweet and really do try. Do all the other things the higher mid chapters do, so no reason to call them a "Low" chapter.

PIPHI - they are a new sorority here and that comes with its own challenges.
AEPHI - don't participate in formal recruitment and have very low numbers.

Posted By: Ffs👗
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By: Bounce

This is the best rank I’ve seen on here

By: For real
by: Agree but ….   

Here’s the thing. DG is still a highly desirable srat to a large numbers of pnms. Not saying that’s morally right, but certain girls from Chi and StL are always going to want to go DG. Frats don’t care about the allegations of racism or hazing, they see blonde and slender. The opinion of geeds does not matter. You can low rank them all you want, that’s not reality.

By: Agree but ….
by: Poof   

lol slender? You have seen the teletubbies in their new pc right? Nothing about that new pc is desirable. And to try to flaunt that DG is desireable to St. Louis girls holds zero weight here, especially when all the good chapters dropped them. Honestly, they had no where else to go. They were not at anyone else’s pref except maybe axid. Your entire comment is just wishful thinking.

By: Poof
by: true   

for real the best rank

By: true
by: One fix   

Put tri delt with Fuzzie on one line and just call that line crazy drama.

By: One fix
by: Drama   

The pi phi drama is unreal tbh

By: Drama

Lmao blonde and slender. Just stop DG everyone ranked you bottom last year except for some pretty desperate pnms. Meanwhile poor SAE trying to desperately undo their affiliations but they are stuck because of history not choice. That’s reality.

By: ^^^
by: Okay    

On panhel and this is just wrong. Dg had almost 100% return rates. They had the fewest parties including pref. You are the same disgruntled mom. So funny that you tried to make a point about a graduated member accused of racism and then body shame nonexistent members. The irony is too good. Facts and stats matter not a mom who is mad about her daughters rush

By: Okay
by: Omg   

Good lord. Get your underwear out of a wad. They absolutely had the least amt of parties. Theta. Aphi also had least. Mom go ask you daughter in chi o to ask her friend on panhel. Or ask her to ask her friends in Aphi theta or dg - oh yeah her friends aren’t in those. You are so pathetic

By: Omg
by: FFS    

DG got blown out on old row best strat bracket by Zeta! Lmao! The only reason why they even made it to the second round is because old row put them up against Aoii. They seeded fuzzie and gphi bottom to help DG not lose. Just stop

by: glintd   

zeta was in the finals last year. fuzzy had ALUMS commenting on old row - like get a life you’re 30. no one cares about old row. dg continues to have the best recruitment and retention of all the srats. you can hate dg all you want - and many do - but they are still highly desirable.

By: glintd
by: Fuzzy Alum   

You sound like a sad Fuzzie alum who is still bitter that she was dropped by DG before philanthropy round, only had fuzzy left at pref, and then watched as your chapter got kicked off campus twice for bad behavior. Don’t you have kids or something to take to soccer practice? Get a life ma’am.

By: Fuzzy Alum
by: Jar   

No one is upset my getting dropped by DG.

By: Jar
by: It’s me again… Ava   

Stop fighting all you DG and Fuzzie moms!!

DG and Fuzzie are one in the same

They’re ranked the same at low mid and interchangeable.

By: It’s me again… Ava
by: Lsers    

Hahaha dg removed the fuzzie mom post explaining that old row manipulated seeding this year so dg wouldn’t get bumped first round. To be clear old row seeded gphi and fuzzie last so that dg could go against aoii. No ranking ever places aoii over gphi and fuzzie. Both would have crushed dg first round.

By: Lsers

Aephi is gone.

By: zapppppp

Aphi and Axo not classy . The seniors that just graduated and the junior who are now seniors are but the other two classes are jersey shore type girls. No one is inviting them to a country club. Their direction completely changed more mob boss influencer type. Axo follows aphi have same issue. Theta I agree with you they don’t deviate much from their types.

By: Keep deleting

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by: Lol   

Someone got dropped by aphi and axo

By: Lol
by: Actually   

I disagree. There’s too many other good chapters for anyone to just be hurt by not getting a bid to either of these. This comment is fair saying aphi and Axo kinda went jersey shore . Rising seniors are their best class. The classiest girls in rising juniors and sophs went theta and zeta and I say dz rising sophomores too. DZ juniors are still a mix, not as bad as Axo though. Kappa sophs good too.

By: Actually
by: Ur op    

Nah trust me no one is worried about being sponsored by Bloom. Yall done Snooki stop paying to delete comments Theta>aphi/axo

By: Ur op

Zeta and DZ both over APhi. APhi has a reputation for being hot but that isn’t true anymore. Theta alone is top.

By: Zlam
by: ^^^   

There are two types of hot and the aphi type is not the “classy” type. Y’all last pc was a mess. Theta kept it clean and hot and classy. I agree Zeta and DZ over Aphi and Theta on top.

By: ^^^
by: Hilarious    

Zeta still trying to gaslight everyone into thinking they’re top tier

By: Hilarious
by: Lol   

Theta looks like a bunch of freaks with a few cute girls to put in front during rush. Definitely not top anymore

By: Lol


By: Lol

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